Semester 6 course, 2001

[education] [scheme] Last update 2001.05.14 (2001.05.08 ) [2001.01.08]


    Link to B-Studienævnet,

    The 'IT in the Building Process' was introduced at semester 6 spring of the M.Sc. and B.Sc. education levels at Aalborg University. IT in the Building process can be further studied during semester 7 and semester 8 in the "Master of IT and Building Management" education.

    Feed-back during the course can contribute to smaller changes of the content of the current course.

    The semester 6 project work shall be documented and made accessible from the World Wide Web. This PE (Project Unit) course will give the background for digital project documentation used both as communication and decision tool in the design process and for storage of the project information.


    It becomes increasingly important to achieve a deep understanding of the ongoing large scale introduction of IT-tools in the building process. We have for example some years been using the well known tools as spread sheets, databases and CAD systems. The focus now is on introducing new IT tools for collaboration and communication, knowledge storing, integration of resources, integration of computer application models, advanced multimedial interfaces and management of the actual change process and the design of completely new and unfamiliar IT-tools.

    There is in the building sector an increasing need for persons with knowledge both about the building process and information technology. The semester 6 IT-course will put the development of IT-tools in the building process in timely and global perspective, concretize the expected development within the area, explain and exemplify new possibilities to raise quality both on the final results (buildings and their use) as well as the building process itself by introduction of efficient IT-tools, give a deeper understanding of the role of IT in the future building process, give the fundaments for extended studies in particular areas and finally serve as a vehicle for distributed life long learning.


    To give an overall understanding of IT use in the building process in historic, present and furure perspectives
    and especially to mediate knowledge about
    • concepts, techniques and methods for capturing, dissemination and re-use of company and project knowledge and how building process models can be built-up
    • techniques and methods for structuring relational databases
    • techniques and methods for communication support within project work
    • techniques and methods for design and implementation of multimedia web interfaces
    • tools to support the design, implementation and use of group project webs.

    Lectures will give theoretical background, overview, and illustration of future development within the area as well as inspiration for further reading and own exploration of IT-tools.


    The following main parts are covered in the course:
    Development of IT-tools and digital models in the whole building process. Project IT support. Relational database design. Computer graphics tools. Multimedia design and implementation. Intelligent buildings. IT strategies and intranets.

    Project Webs shall be developed by the student groups and will contain the following main parts

    • problem description
    • solution strategy and findings from the project work
    • solution summary
    • references.
    Exercises will focus on

Course layout

    The course starts Tuesday February 6 and ends Tuesday April 10 2001. 10 lectures and exercises in IT in the Building Process' are scheduled for the period (Thursday afternoons between 12.30 - 16.00).
    All lectures will take place in hall F:109.
    The exercises will take place in C:119 (week 1-6), A:217 & B:113 (weeks 7-10, A217 not 3.4) and in the group rooms C:201, C:202, C:203, C:204, C:205.
    See also the Semester 6 HomePage at

    Lectures are meant to inspire to further individual and group learning activities. The lectures are documented on the web as lecture notes with pointers to further reading. The exercises can be carried through individually or as group works. Comments on lectures and exercises content are requested on the Word Wide web during the exercises.

    Group project webs will be stored (and evaluated) in connection to course pages on the WWW to serve as inspiration material for following years students. (See also previous student works 1998, 1999 and 2000).


Further reading

    References are listed separately and also in conjunction with lecture notes . References may be books, journal papers, links on the World Wide Web etc.

Per Christiansson