
Last update 2000.02.14 (2000.02.01 ) [2000.02.01]

References and links are listed below. The list will expand during the course. Intented text indicate references for further reading.

Semester 6 'It in the Building Process' course references.

References to further reading is found under each chapter of the 'lecture notes'.


Christiansson, P, 1996, "Så förädlas kunskap i globala nätverk". Byggforskning 6/96, Stockholm. (sid. 18-20). (paper copy to groups).

Christiansson, P, 1996, "Informationsteknologi för byggbranschen: Visioner och nuläge". Husbyggaren, nr. 7-8, november 1996, Stockholm. (sid. 8-12). (paper copies to groups).

Databases. Modelling
Christiansson, 1996, "Konceptuell modellering". reports/hm-kompendium/konceptuellmodellering.html

Mose Ole, 1997, "Access - praktisk databasdesign". IDG Bøger 1997, Carl Jocobsens Vej 25, 2500 Valby. (36 199 100, 36 199 199 fax). (119 pp.) (69:- DkK).

Computer Graphics Web and graphics.


Nielsen A, 1998, "VRML programs for Room Ventilation Applications", Paper for ROOMVENT 98, Stockholm, Sweden VRML Programs for Room Ventilation Applications, Paper no 95, Indoor Environmental Engineering, Dept. of Building Technology and Structural Engineering, Aalborg University, December 1998, ISSN 1395-7953 R9846

Per Christiansson