KBS-Media Lab
Lund University

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Reports-Books (R)

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  • Christiansson P, et.al. 1999, " SERFIN2 - Skadeförebyggande Erfarenhetsåterföring för Fastighetsförvaltare på Internet. ". KBS-Media Lab, Lunds Universitet.

    Engborg Uno, Christiansson Per, Stjernfeldt Fredrik, 1997, "SWEBU. Svensk byggforskning på World Wide Web (Swedish Building Research on the World Wide Web) - De globala nätverkens möjligheter i byggforskningen". KBS-Media Lab. Lunds Universitet. (92 pp).

    Stjernfeldt Fredrik, Christiansson Per, Engborg Uno, 1997, "Skadeförebyggande erfarenhetsuppföljning för fastighetsförvaltare på Internet - SERFIN-I." KBS-Media Lab. (40 pp).

    Modin J, 1995, "COOCOM. New ways of using Information Technology for buildings design and management". KBS-Media Lab. (27 pp).

    Bergkvist, J, 1994, "Multimedia i Museer/Multimedia in Museums". Länsmuseerna, Lund Universitet, Mitthögskolan i Östersund. (24 pp).

    Follin A, (1994), "Digital Product Catalogues - An Evaluation of Presentation and Visualization Techniques". Dept of Structural Engineering, KBS-Media Lab. (103 pp).

    "Informationsteknologi och fastighetsförvaltning (It in Building Maintenance)". A Nordic Seminar organized by NBS-DATA and NBS-MAINTENANCE/Ett Nordiskt seminarium arrangerat av NBS-DATA och NBS-FÖRVALTNING. Lund den 11-12 mars 1993. (Ed: Per Christiansson). (119 pp).

    Landin A, Hansson B, Berglund B, Modin J, Christiansson P, (1992), "Kunskapsutveckling i Byggprocessen". LUTVDG/(TVBP-3032). (87 pp).

    Christiansson P, Modin J, 1992, "New tools for knowledge transfer. Development of hypermedia systems". Nya hjälpmedel för kunskapsöverföring. Utveckling av hypermediasystem". Coarse compendium. KBS-Media Lab Lunds Tekniska Högskola. (pp 37)

    Christiansson P, Månsson B, Sörhede , (1992), "Ny informationsteknologi Fastighetsförvaltning. Demonstrationsprojekt Delphi (New IT in Building Maintenance. Demonstrations project Delphi". Lunds Tekniska Högskola, Bärande konstruktioner. Byggforskningsrådet, Stockholm. (87 pp)

    Follin A., (1991), "Liten reseberättelse från USA-resan sommaren 1991/ Short travelreport USA 1991." Siggraph-91 Las Vegas samt diskussioner vid Autodesk Inc. San Francisco. (pp.1-16)

    Christiansson P, 1990, "Advanced Material and Vendor Information System - AMVI ", Dept Structural Engineering, Lund University, February 1990. Report SE-LUTVDG/TVBK-90/3027+17p.

    Proceedings from the "International CIB W74/W78 Symposium on Conceptual Modelling of Buildings". Dept Structural Engineering, Lund University and Swedish Building Centre, Stockholm. February 1990. (Editor). (320 pp).

    "Information Technology in the Building Process. Development Trends in the USA 1988". NBS-DATA report may 1989. (Per Christiansson Editor), (83 pp).

    Christiansson P, Herrera A, 1985. "Datorstöd i Byggprocessen. Computer Aided Design." (Computer Aids in the Building Process. Cad Systems, Relational Databases, Knowledge Based Systems). Bärande Konstruktioner, Lunds Tekniska Högskola. Februari 1985. (192 pp).

    Christiansson P, 1984, "Internationell utblick". Kapitel i 'Datormognad inom byggbranschen'. Byggforskningsrådet G23:1984. (9/95 pp).

    Christiansson P, 1984. "Internationell konferens om datorstöd i arkitektarbetet. PARC83." (International Conference on the Use of Computers in Architecture). London oktober 1983". Tekniska Högskolan i Lund, Bärande konstruktioner. TVBK-3021. (28 pp).

    Christiansson P, 1984. "Europeiskt undervisningssamarbete inom datorstödd projektering. ECAADE - European Computer Aided Architectural Design Education. Delft oktober 1982, Bryssel oktober 1983". Tekniska Högskolan i Lund, Bärande konstruktioner. TVBK-3020. (38 pp).

    Christiansson P, 1984. "Datorstödd projektering, CAD.Besök vid företag och universitet, USA hösten 1983". (Journey Account. Visits to Companies and Universities in the USA, Autumn 1983). Tekniska Högskolan i Lund, Bärande konstruktioner. TVBK-3019. (29 pp).

    Christiansson P, Engström O, 1983. "CICA-CAD resa till England juli 1983". (Journey Account). Tekniska Högskolan i Lund. Bärande konstruktioner. TVBK-7019. (50 pp).

    Christiansson P, Östlund Lars, 1983. "Synpunkter på beräkningsredovisning". (Considerations on Design Records). Tekniska Högskolan i Lund, Bärande konstruktioner. TVBK-3017. (26 pp).

    Christiansson P, 1983. "Gemensamma datorresurser vid sektionen för väg- och vattenbyggnad. Historia-nuläge-framtid". (Common Computer Resources at the Civil Engineering School. History - Present Situation - the Future). Sektionen för väg- och vattenbyggnad. Tekniska Högskolan i Lund. (29 pp).

    Christiansson P, 1983. "Datorstödd projektering. CAD i tillämpning". (Computer Aided Design. CAD in Practice). Byggforskningsrådet. G13:1983. (60 pp).

    Christiansson P m.fl., 1982. "Tillförlitlighet och kommunikation i en datoriserad byggbransch". (Reliability and Communication in a Computerized Building Industry). Rapport R35:1982, Byggforskningsrådet. (133 pp).

    Christiansson P, Lundgren T, 1981. "VDC-växel.Sektionen för Väg- och vattenbyggnad". (Description of the VDC Switching Device for Terminals and the Controlling Real Time Program). Tekniska Högskolan i Lund. (41 pp).

    Christiansson P, 1981. "Presentation av -VDC-, väg- och vattens datacentral". (Presentation of the Computer Center at the School of Civil Engineering, VDC). Sektion Väg- och Vatten. Tekniska Högskolan i LUND. (98 pp).

    Christiansson P, 1982. "Steel structures subjected to dynamic loads in connection with progressive collapse. Dynamic buckling". Document D7:1982, Swedish Council for Building Research. (118 pp).

    Christiansson P, 1976. "Probabilistic models for calculation of load spectra and loadeffect spectra for highway bridges". Report 71. Division of building technology. Lund institute of technology (Ph.D. thesis). (270 pp).

    Christiansson P, Göteson B, 1976. "Mobil vågstation för mätning av fordons axellaster, axelhastigheter samt sidlägen i verklig tid". (Mobile Weighing Station for Measuring of Vehicle Axle Weights and Lateral Position in Real Time). Rapport 63. Inst. f. Byggnadsteknik. Tekniska Högskolan i Lund. (55 pp).

    Christiansson P, 1974. "Kurs för doktorander i minidator-datalogg, kompendium". (Postgraduate Course on Minicomputers and Dataloggers). Avd. f. Byggnadsteknik II, Tekniska Högskolan i Lund. (180 pp).

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    Journal Papers (J)

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    Christiansson, P, 1996, "Informationsteknologi för Byggbranschen. Vsioner och nuläge?./Information technology in the building sector. Visions and todays situation". Husbyggaren, nr 7-8 november 1996. Stockholm. (pp. 8-12). (In Swedish)

    Christiansson, P, 1996, "Visioner om kunskapskommunikation i globala nätverk./Visions on knowledge communication in Global Networks." Tidskriften Byggforskning, Byggforskningsrådet/ Swedisch Council for Buikding Research. Decemeber 1996. Stockholm.

    Christiansson P., Engborg U., Stjernfeldt F.,1996, "Skadeförebyggande erfarenhetsuppföljning på Internet, SERFIN" Fastighetsnytt, 2:1996 (mars), Stockholm. (pp. 16-17)

    Christiansson P, 1995, "Knowledge Communication in the Global Network". Invited position paper for the July 16-20 1995 Workshop on Research Directions in Architectural Computing. Nemetschek Programmsystem GmmbH., Technical University pf München, Germnay. (To be published by Kluwer Summer 1996). (25 pp.) (Invited position paper)

    "Electronic Meeting Rooms for Collaboration". Accepted abstract for the Second ASCE Congress for Computing in Civil Engineering, Atlanta, June 1995. (Droped due to time contsraints)

    Christiansson P, 1995b, "Informationsteknologi utan gränser/Information Technology without limits". Datorpulsen, Våren 1995 årg. 4. (pp 16-21). Earlier published in December 1991 (Väg- och Vattenbyggaren).

    Modin Jörgen, 1994, "KBS-Class: A neural network tool for automatic content recognition of building texts". Constructiuon Management and Economics. Special issue on Information Technology in Construction. 1995. (Refereed)

    Christiansson P, 1995a, "Datorstödd samverkan i Byggprocessen/Computer Supported Collaboration in The Building Process". Tidskriften Ung Forskning Nr. 2.1995. (pp 36-41)

    "ITBL, IT Bygg Centrum vid Lunds Universitet/ITBL, IT Building Center at Lund University". Fastighetsnytt nr 2:1995, May/June. (pp 6-7). (text, photo Per Christiansson)

    "Ny informationsteknologi revolutionerar byggbranschen". Intervju/Interview till artikel i LTH-Nytt, december 1994. (sid. 28-29).

    Christiansson, P, 1994b, "Framtidens datorbaserade informationssystem för bygg- och miljösektorn". HUSBYGGAREN, nr 7-8, november 1994. (sid. 6-11).

    Christiansson P, 1994a, "Datorstödd samvekan i byggprocessen/Computer suported collaboration in the building process". Byggbalken. Examensreseföreningen, Väg- och Vattensbyggnadslinjen LTH. pp 12-13. Juli 1994.

    "Hypermedia - ett sätt att bygga bättre?/Hypermedia - a way to build better?" sid 21. plus flash about the IT-BUILDING seminar. BFR artikel Byggforskning 1994. 3 Juni. (Interview).

    Forsberg S, (1993), "Information technology in Building Maintenance/Informationsteknologi i fastighetsförvaltningen". Fastighetstidningen 6.1993. (1 pp). (based on Per Christiansson's text)

    Christiansson P, (1993), "Visions on virtual houses/Visioner om virtuella hus". Bofast, Nr 8, 13 maj 1993. (pp 17-18) /J26b/ Also published in Tidskriften Ung Forskning. nr 2, 1994. (pp 28-29).

    "New possibilities with hypermedia/Nya möjligheter med hypermedia" Artikel i LUM, Lunds Universitet Meddelar, based on interview with Per Christiansson and Jörgen Modin during LU-coarse at KBS-Media Lab. LUM nr 14, 11.12.1992. (1 page).

    Christiansson P, Sekund I, 1992, "Interaktiva medier i utbildningen". STIMMET okt 1992. (Medlemsblad för Sveriges tvärvetenskapliga intresseförening för människa-dator interaktion). (pp 2).

    Christiansson P, 1992, " Dynamic Knowledge Nets in a changing building process". Automation in Construction , Vol 1 nb 4 , March,1993), Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. (pp 307-322). (Refereed)

    Follin A, (1991), recensioner av Cad programvaror i Industriell Datateknik.

    Christiansson P, 1989, " Advanced Material and Vendor Information system - AMVI". Automation in Construction , Vol 2, nb 2, , July,1993), Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. (pp 109-121). (Refereed)

    Christiansson P, 1991, "Informationsteknologi utan gränser". Väg- och Vattenbyggaren 5/91. December 1991. (pp 17-22).

    Christiansson P, 1991, "Informationsteknologi i byggande och fastighetsförvaltning". Tidskriften Ung Forskning. 3/1991. (Intervju med Per Christiansson). (2 pp).

    Christiansson P, 1991, "Building a City Advisor in a 'hypermedia' environment". Journal of Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, 1991, volume 18, pages 39-50. (Received September 1989). (Refereed)

    Interview with illustrations in "at. Architectural Magazine of Japan". April 1991. (The intervjun was carried through September 18, 1990 in Tokyo). (In Japanese).

    Christiansson P, 1991, "Informationsteknologi i byggprocessen". Bygg & Teknik, nr 1 januari 1991. (pp. 33-38).

    "Mångmiljonbelop satsas på nytt LTH-Centrum. Ger skjuts framåt för forskning om datorer i byggprocessen". LTH-nytt nr 4. December 1990. (Intervju). (pp 2)

    "Nytt centrum skal forska om datorn i byggbranschen". Lunds Universitet meddelar, LUM, november 1990. (Intervju).

    Christiansson P, 1989, "Informationsteknologi och byggande". Byggforskning 8:1989. (3 pp).

    Christiansson P, 1989, "Framtidens informationsteknologi". Lunds Universitet Dataspecial, December 1989. (2 pp).

    "KBS-MEDIA Lab". Wheels for the Mind Europe, No2, April 1989. (pp. 47).

    "Dator tjänsteande i intelligent flexibelt hus". Artikel av Lasse Sjöblom i Tidskriften byggforskning nr 2 mars 1989 baserad på intervju av Per Christiansson och Per-Mikael Henriksson. Mars, 1989. (3 pp).

    Christiansson P, 1989, "KBS-MEDIA projektet vid Lunds Universitet". ORDO, LNTH 1/89. (11 pp).

    Kitzing P, Christiansson P, Erikson L, 1988, "Computer Aided Aphasia Therapy with a New System Program". Scandinavian Journal of Logopedics and Phoniatrics. September 1988. (pp. 95-102).

    Christiansson P, 1988, "Hypermedia levandegör tänkta byggen". Byggforskningen 9:1988. (3 pp).

    Christiansson P, 1986, "Var är vi? Vart går vi? Perspektiv på datorstöd i byggandet". Tidningen Byggindustrin, Byggspecial. Sept. 1986. (4 pp).

    Christiansson P, Östlund L, 1983. "Synpunkter på beräkningsredovisning". Nordisk Betong, april 1983.

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    Conference papers (C)

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    Christiansson P, 1997, "Experiences from developing a Building Maintenance Knowledge Node".CIB W78 Workshop, Cairns 9 - 11 July 1997, 'Information Technology Support for Construction Process Re-Engineering, IT-CPR-97'. (pp. 89-101).

    Christiansson P, 1996, "Nodes for Knowledge Communication". Prepared for the Workshop on "Web as a Shared Design and Prototyping Environment" IEEE WET ICE Workshops. Collaborating on the Internet: The World-Wide Web and Beyond. Stanford, June 19-21, 1996. (Invitation)

    Christiansson P, Lagerstedt R, Engborg U, 1996, "User Models in Search and Navigation Systems on the Internet". AEC Applications of the Internet" AEC Systems Anaheim June 17-20. (7 pp). (Invited paper).

    Christiansson P, 1996, "Knowledge communication in the building industry. The Knowledge Node Concept." Construction on the Information Highway. Bled, June 10-12,1996. CIB Proceedings 198 (ed. Z. Turk), , (pp 121-132). (Reviewed)

    "Electronic Meeting Rooms for Collaboration". Accepted abstract for the Second ASCE Congress for Computing in Civil Engineering, Atlanta, June 1995. (Droped due to time contsraints)

    Christiansson P., 1995, "Knowledge communication in the global network". Position paper for the July 16-20 1995 Workshop on Research Directions in Architectural Computing. Published as a Chapter in a book from KLUWER in June 1996.

    Christiansson, P, (1995a) "The Formalization process in Global Knowledge Handling". Research Directions for Artificial Intelligence in Design. (eds) J.S. Gero and F. Sudweeks. Key Centre of Design Computing, University of Sydney.(the Fourth Workshop on Research Directions for Artificial Intelligence in Design. Enschede, The Netherlands. January 6 1995. (pp 23-34).+ session3 summary by Per C in the final print (Invited position paper)

    Christiansson P, Modin J, 1994, "Conceptual Models for Communicating Knowledge in the Building Industry - Implementation of the CUBE System". ISKO'94. Knowledge Organization and Quality Management. Third Internationall Conference. Rooyal School of Librarianship Copenhagen, The International Society for Knowledge Organization. Copenhagen, June 21-24, 1994. (pp 225-232) (Refereed). (Presented by Jörgen Modin)

    Christiansson P, 1994d, "The K3-Program. A program for Communication, Classification and Representation of building process Knowledge". Bridging the Generations. International Workshop on the Future Directions of Computer-Aided Engineering. Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, USA. June 18-19, 1994. (pp 189-194). (Refereed)

    Modin, J, Engborg, U, Christiansson, P, 1994c, "Computer Supported Collaboration during Design and Maintenance. The IT-Tools Perspective"." BUILDING WITH IT. Collaboration, Communication, Integration. Seminar October 17-18 1994. Lund University. ( pp 13-24).

    Christiansson, P, 1994b, "Why must builders and everybody learn IT? Building and using the Dynamic Knowledge Net." BUILDING WITH IT. Collaboration, Communication, Integration. Seminar October 17-18 1994. Lund University. (pp 67-72).

    Christiansson P, 1994a, "Teknologiens utallige muligheder". Edb på byggepladsen -- et debatoplaeg. Entreprenörbranschens uddannelsefond. (in Danish). April 21, Copenhagen, (pp 25-27).

    Christiansson P, (1993), "FRAMTIDA DATORBASERADE INFORMATIONSSYSTEM för bygg- och miljösektorn". vid Nya Media för Bygginformation, BYGGDOK-DAGEN, Stockholm. 18.11.93. (12 pp).

    Christiansson P, Modin J, (1993), "KBS-Media-LAB. Dynamic Knowledge Nets". at HIGHER EDUCATION 1998 transformed by LEARNING TECHNOLOGY. Lund 14-17 May 1993. A cooperation between Computer in Teaching Initiative, CTI, UK, Council for Renewal of Undergraduate Education, SWE, and Facuty Development, Lund University, SWE. CTISS Publications (pp 48-50).

    Christiansson P, (1993), "KBS-Media LAB. Dynamiska kunskapsnät",STIMDI'93 konferens, Lund, Palaestra. (STIMDI, Sveriges tvärvetenskaliga intresseförening för människa-datorinteraktion). 3-4.5.93. (pp 15-17).

    Christiansson P, 1993, "Multiteknologi. Möjligheter och begränsningar i teknisk fastighetsförvaltning. Demonstration och erfarenheter från Delphi projektet". NBS-Data - NBS Förvaltning semium 'Informationsteknologi och fastighetsförvaltning. Förväntningar - realiteter - perspektiv'. Lund 11-12 mars. (Nordiska Byggforskningsorganens samarbetsgrupp). (pp 9).

    NTNF/SINTEF seminarium Oslo 23-24 sept. 1993. SINTEF STF62 S93013 (pp 7-15).

    Christiansson P, Modin J, 1993, "Conceptual Models for Communicating Knowledge in the Building Industry - Implementation of the Cube System". Proceedings Management of Information Technology for Construction, Singapore August 17-20, (Eds K. Mathur et.al.). World Scientific Publishing Co., Singapore. (pp 287-299). (Refereed)

    Christiansson P, (1992), "Devlopment trends in IT Building. Product Models and communication in an International Perspective/Utvecklingsstrategier och trender i byggandets informationsteknologi. Produktmodeller och kommunikation i internatiomellt perspektiv" vid ITBL seminarium "Utvecklad Byggprojektering -samverkan - arbetsmiljö - informationsteknologi". IDEON Lund. 26.11.92. (12 pp).

    Christiansson P, 1992, "Dynamic Knowledge Nets in a changing Building Process." May 1992. Presented at 2nd W78 Workshop on Computer Integrated Construction. Montreal May 12-14, 1992, and Symposium on Building Systems automation - Integration '92. Dallas June 10-12 1992. (Published in Automation in Construction).

    Christiansson P, 1991, "Multimedia on the way". NBS-Data seminar on Datateknik - Visioner og Virkelighed (Information Technology - Visions and Reality). Reykjavik Iceland. September 27, 1991. (Nordic Building Research Cooperation Group - Working Group for Information Technology. (14 pp)

    Christiansson P, 1991, "The KBS-Media Environment". In European course of the COMET II program 'New tools for the city, modeling, simulation, communication. Nantes, France. September 16-20, 1991. (pp 27-40). (Also in French)

    Christiansson P, 1991, "From paper to Hyperspace. Representing and handling knowledge in an Interactive Media Environment". 3rd International Symposium on Systems Research, Informatics and Cybernetics . Baden-Baden, West Germany. August 12-18, 1991. (6 pp).

    Christiansson P, 1991, "Next generation knowledgebased multimedia systems". 3rd Interantional GRTU Conference "The Interactive City". Milano, Italy. June 20-21. (GRTU, Management and Representation of Urban Change). (pp 345-365)

    Christiansson P, 1991, "Next generation knowledgebased multimedia systems". 3rd Interantional GRTU Conference "The Interactive City". Milano, Italy. June 20-21. (GRTU, Management and Representation of Urban Change). (pp 345-365)

    Christiansson P, 1991, "Advanced Material and Vendor Information Systems - AMVI". Symposium on Building Systems Automation - Integration". Madison USA, June 2-7. (14 pp). (To be published in Automation in Construction, Elsevier).

    Christiansson P, 1990, "Integration of Knowledge Based Systems and Media". BYGGA MED IT symposium. Stockholm November 8-9. (4 pp).

    Christiansson P, 1990, "Ny informationsteknologi i fastighetsförvaltning". BYGGA MED IT symposium. Stockholm November 8-9. (Demo). (1 pp).

    Christiansson P, 1990, "Computer Tools for Product Modelling". Proc. NBS-DATA seminar on Building model - Product model. Helsinki. October 25-26, 1990. (Nordic Building Research Cooperation Group - Working Group for Information Technology). (pp 27-38).

    Christiansson P, 1990, "Advanced Information Technology in Building Maintenance Support". Proc. of the 2nd CIB W78 + W74 Seminar on Computer Integrated Construction. Tokyo. September 17-19, 1990. (pp 93-99). Elsevier, and CIB Publication 138,

    Christiansson P, 1990, "State of the Art of Computer Use in Practical Architectural Design in Sweden". A/E/C SYSTEMS, Tokyo. September 1990. (2 pp) (Also in Japanese, 3 pp).

    Christiansson P, 1990, "Background Agents to Enhance Access and Growth of Loosely Coupled Models for Building Design". Pre-Proc. 5th International Conference on Systems Research, Informatics and Cybernetics (ICSRIC-90). Knowledgebased Systems in Building Design. Baden-Baden, West Germany. August 6-12, 1990. (6 pp).

    Christiansson P, 1990, "Building Information for the future/Batir le système d´information de demain". Colloque Informatique de l'Ecole d'Architecture de Grenoble. Grenoble, 17/18 Janvier 1990. (6 pp).

    Christiansson P, 1989, "Building a City Advisor in a Hyper Media Environment". CEPA/FACE International Conference'. (Demo). Los Angeles June 1989.
    also demonstrated at 'Colloque Informatique de l'Ecole d'Architecture de Grenoble' 17/18 Janvier 1990

    Christiansson P, 1989, "Building a City Advisor in a Hyper Media Environment". European Conference on "Management and Representation of Urban Change". Cambridge, England. (Demo). September 28/29 1989. (18 pp).

    Christiansson P, 1989, "KBS-MEDIA Lab". MacWorld Expo Asia. (Demo). Singapore, June 19/July 2, 1989. (1-2 pp).

    Christiansson P, 1989, "The KBS-MEDIA Project". Proceedings from the International Symposium on Computer Aided Design in Architecture and Civil Engineering, ARECDAO 89. (Demo). Barcelona April 13-14 1989. (pp. 231-240).

    Christiansson P,1988, "Presentation of the KBS-MEDIA environment at the Lund University". STIMDI Svensk Tvärvetenskaplig Intresseförening för Människa Dator Interaktion - Workshop on HyperText. (Demo). Lund, October 22, 1988. (3 pp).

    Christiansson P, 1988, "Properties of Future Building Hyper Documents." Proceedings from CIB W74/W78 Symposium on Conceptual Modelling of Buildings. Lund University. Sweden, October 1988. (pp. 311-320).

    Christiansson P, Herrera A, 1987, "Kunskapsbaserade system/expertsystem. Värdering av några existerande verktyg." NBS-DATA seminarium, Oslo, 24-25 september 1987. (15 pp).

    Christiansson P, 1987, "Optiska lagringsmedia i Byggindustrin - möjligheter". Informationsdag om Optiska skivor och Cad-utvecklingen. Industrins Bygmaterialgrupp/Svensk Byggtjänst. (Demo).Philipshuset Stockholm, 29 april 1987. (3 pp).

    Christiansson P, 1986, "Högteknologi i byggindustrin. Vad sker i andra länder". 3B-programmets årskonferens, Oslo, november 1986. (14 pp).

    Christiansson P, 1986, "Structuring a Learning Building Design System." 10th CIB Congress. International Council for Building Research, Studies and Documentation. Washington, September 1986. (Paper + poster). (11 pp).

    Christiansson P, 1986, "Nyaste nytt i byggbranschens datateknologi - kunskapsbaserade system." Nordisk Byggdag 16. Helsingfors, augusti 1986. (4 pp).

    Christiansson P, 1986, "Properties of Future Knowledge Based Systems. The Interactive Consultation System Example." Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design. Singapore, May 1986. (14 pp).

    Christiansson P, 1986, "Swedish and Nordic Activities within CAAD". Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design. Singapore, May 1986. (9 pp).

    Christiansson P, 1984. "Integrated Systems Results of the W78 Survey". CIB, W78 Integrated Cad Symposium, Rotterdam, September 16-17 1985. (12 pp).

    Christiansson P, 1984. "Utvecklingstendenser för användande av datateknik i byggandet". Nordiskt byggforskningsmöte, Lejondal, Stockholm. 12-14 september, 1984. 9 pp).

    Christiansson P, 1984. "Integrated Computer Aided Design.Present and Future Data Structures". CIB, WC78, Colloquium London, June 5-7 1984. (6 pp).

    Christiansson P, 1984, "CAD-tekniken i Sverige och utomlands". ADB-dag på nordbygg 84. Stockholm, maj 1984. (6 pp).

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    Courses (K)

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    Coarse (3 p) in "Internet theory and practice". in Practical Multimedia Technique. and Internet. Lund Institute of Technology/Helsingborg.May 1995. Graduate course http://delphi.kstr.lth.se/internet8h

    "IT for Civil Engineers". Internet, communication, collaboration, image processing. authoring. Graduate course. September 1994.

    "Strategies for companies and projects. A qualified development program on information technology for the building and maintenance sectors/Strategier i företag och projekt. Ett kvalifcerat utvecklingsprogram om informationsteknologi för bygg- och fastighetessektorn." A development program in four parts/Ett utvecklingsprogram i fyra delar. Spring 1994. (8 pp). Lidingö. Per Christiansson in course development committee.

    Christiansson P, Modin J, Sekund I, 1992, "Nya hjälpmedel för kunskapsöverföring - utveckling av hypermediasystem". Kurskompendium. November 1992. (38 pp). (Coarse evaluation/Kursutvärdering PUS 1993-01-17, 3 pp).

    Christiansson, P., (1991), "The KBS-MEDIA environment". In European course of the COMETT II program "New tools for the city, modeling, simulation, communication". Nantes (France). September 16-20 , 1991. (pp. 27-40). (in English and French).(Course developer, lecture, demonstration, TV recording).

    "Knowledge Based Systems in Building Applications". Post graduate course, 1986 (first KBS course at Lund University).

    Post graduate courses on "Mini computers and computer controlled measuring devices", 1971, 1973, 1976 and 1978 (at VDC).

    "Computer Aided Design". Post graduate course, 1985.

    "Computer Aided Design". 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, and 1989 on graduate level.

    "Programming of Mini Computers" for technicians and laboratory personnel at Lund University, 1982 and 1983.

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    Other writings (O), Discussions. Reviews. Short notes (D), Status reports (S)

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    Christiansson, P., 1997, "Merkurius - Lunds Universitets näringslivsnod. KK-projekt Status 10 april 1997". KBS-Media Lab, Lunds Universitet. (12 pp.)

    Christiansson, P., 1996, "Merkurius - 14 September 1996. Status, metodik och tidplanering". KBS-Media Lab, Lunds Universitet. (30 pp.)

    [current] Per Christiansson