Christiansson P. (2009) "Digital aflevering". Kursus ved Teknisk Forvaltning Aalborg Universitet. Aalborg, onsdag den 11 november 2009 (40 pp.)
Christianson P. "User Driven Innovative Building Design". 26th International Conference on IT in Construction CIB W78 -Managing IT in Construction, Istanbul, Turkey, October 1-3 2009. (16 slides).
Christianson P. "Præsentation af en projektlederes erfaring - Project VIC". Opstartsworkshop indenfor EBST program Brugerdreven Innovation.København, torsdag 25 juni, 2009. CPH Design. Prags Boulevard 47, København. 25.6.2009. (18 slides).
Svidt K. Christiansson P (2008) "2008_11_candscient_bi_intro.pdf"Bygningsinformatik - anvendelse af IT i byggeprocessen". Kjeld Svidt presentation den 19 og 26 november 2008.
Christianson P, "User Driven Innovation in the Building Process". 12th International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering. 2008 International Conference on Information Technology in ConstructionBeijing, (ICCCBE-XII & INCITE2008) China, October 16-18, 2008.
Christiansson P (2008)
"Building Informatics-education"
CIB-W78 25th International Conference on Information Technology in Construction. Santiago de Chile, July 15-17 2008.
Christiansson P (2008)
"Future Integrated Design environments"
CIB-W78 25th International Conference on Information Technology in Construction. Santiago de Chile, July 15-17 2008.
Christiansson P, Carlsen M (2005) "Virtual Building from Theory to Practice". W78 22nd Conference on Information Technology in Construction. Dresden July 19-21, 2005.
Christiansson P (2004), "IT i Byggeprocessen" vid præsentation for Undervisningsministeriet om Akkreditering af Diplomingeniøruddannelsen i Byggeri og Anlæg
Aalborg Universitet. 21 September 2004.
Christiansson P (2004), "Life long learning for improved product and process modeling support." eWork and eBuseiness in Architecture, Engineering and Construction. 5th European Conference on Product and Process Modelling in the Building and Construction Industry - ECPPM2004. 8-10 September 2004, Istanbul, Turkey.
"ICT i dansk högskoleutbildning", Per Christiansson presentation vid
'Lärarkonferens - IT i byggande och förvaltning' IT Bygg och Fastighet 2002, Lunds Universitet, 8 december 2003.
"Hvordan kom vi i gang?", Malermester Jørn Johansen, Mads Carlsen AAU. 'IT på byggepladsen - for håndværkere' seminarie i Horsens, 12 november 2003.
"Værdien af IT i Byggeriet" (6.8 Mbytes),
Per Christiansson presentation vid Teknik & Data
, Effektiv IT-anvendelse i byggeriet, Odense, 5 Februar, 2003.
Christiansson P, 2002, "The EU DIVERICTY project and EU 6th Framework" vid
'Intelligente bygningsmodeller' -
DR BYEN, Ørestad, onsdag den 13. november 2002 kl 13.00 - 17.30. Copenhagen.
'Intelligente byggeproduktmodeller' -
Byggematerialeindustrien, Dansk Industri i København,
onsdag den 27. november 2002 kl. 9.30 - 17.00.
Byggenetværk, Entreprenørskolen Ebeltoft, October 6, 2002.
"Demonstration af visionen (EU 6th Framework)", Per Christiansson.
DIVERCITY Review Meeting, September 20, 2002, Helsinki, Finland . "Stakeholder Perspective".
Per Christiansson, Aalborg University
(Yusuf Arayici, Salford University
Mikko Soininvaara, EVATA, Finland)
Jens Ove Skjærbæk, COWI
(Yves Michel, Spie-Tondella, France).
"Virtual Environments for the AEC sector - The Divercity experience " [6.9 Mbytes ppt, 34 slides].
Per Christiansson presentation at
European Conference of Product and Process Modelling (ECPPM). eWork and eBusiness in Architecture, Engineering, Construction. Portoroz, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2002.
"Numerisk simulering og visualisering af luftstrømme og klima i og omkring stalde". Kjeld Svidt, AAU; Jan Strøm, DJF og Bjarne Bjerg, KVL. Informatik og teknik
i jordbruget 2002. Fuglsøcentret, 28. februar - 1. marts 2002.
"ICT för nätburet lärande". Per Christiansson presentation vid 'Ett Svenskt Nätuniversitet'. Lunds Universitet, 26 april 2001.
"Development trends within intelligent and responsive buildings". Per Christiansson ved 'LonUserGroup Denmark medlemsmøde' om 'Uddannelse og udviklingstendenser', 2 november 2000. Kl. 14:00 - 16:00. Elfagets Uddannelsesnævn, Højnæsvej 71, 2610 Rødovre.
Per Christiansson, Kjeld Svidt presentation "IT in Collaborative Building Design - DIVERCITY - User Requirements fomulations".
CID, Danish Center for Integrated Design, seminar in Århus October 23, 2000.
"IT-støttet samarbejde med multimedier og
www". Per Christiansson at Aalborg Handelsskole, Turøgade 1 (indgang i Lollandsgade), Aalborg, fredag den 6 oktober, 2000 kl 0810-0950.
"IT in Distributred Open Learning Environments".Presentation by prof. Per Christiansson at 'Construction Information Technology 2000 - Taking the
Construction Industry into the 21st century', Reykjavik, Iceland in June 26-30 , 2000.
"IT Byg Aalborg". EPSRC Tour Of Leading European Research Institutes. Seminar Hosted by Danmarks Tekniske Universitet &
IDA Byg. 8th May 2000. IDA-Byg, 31-33 Kalvod Brygge, 1780 Köbenhavn V. 0930-1700. Presentation by Prof. Per Christiansson.
Det Digitale Nordjylland. Workshop om Digital Forvaltning
tirsdag den 14. marts 2000 kl. 9-12. , Aalborg Universitet.
"Den Digitale Bydel, Prof. Per Christiansson, Aalborg University.
DIVERCITY,Distributed Virtual Workspace for Enhancing Communication within the Construction Industry, kick-off meeting Mars 5-6, 2000 Salford, England. "Presentation of the Aalborg University partner"
, Prof. Per Christiansson, Aalborg University.
CITU seminar February 9, 2000, 13.00 - 16.00 Lund University, Sweden.
"Modeller och gränssnitt i distribuerat lärande./Models and Interfaces in Distributed Learning", Prof. Per Christiansson, Aalborg University. (68 pp.)
KEYWORDS: Ditributed learning, interface, models
"Properties of the Virtual Building".
Friday March 19, 1999, 13.00 at the lecture hall Fredrik Bajers Vej 7, Aalborg University. Introduction of and feed-back on new education Master of Information Technology with 4 directions - Building, Industrial Production, Process Control and Computer Net & Communication. You are all welcome.,