sem7 IT in the Building Process
Virtual Buildings - Knowledge Representations and Semantic Web, sem7 2006

[home] [education] Last update 2007.01.10 (2006.12.11) [2006.04.17]

Virtual Buildings - Knowledge Representations and Semantic Web

IT i Civilingeniørspeciale i Byggeledelse/IT in Building Management. 2006

1. Background
2. Goal
3. Volume/Placement
4. Content
5. Learning Material
   5.1 Lectures
   5.2 Exercises/Mini-project
   5.3 Software
   5.4 Literature
6. Examination
7. Course Participants
8. Lecture Scheme

1. Background

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Since the introduction of the world wide web (WWW) and standardisation of Internet services and communication protocols we can see a huge shift in the way we communicate, collaborate and handle digital knowledge. The semester 7 course focuses on models and representations of building products and processes. (In the semester 8 course we take an end user perspective on how ICT tools can support collaboration, communication and access to Internet based computer resources.)

The anticipated ICT tools are only partly developed and must be designed tested and implemented in close collaboration with the building process end users. This requires that civil engineers get a deeper understanding of some knowledge domains that up till now only has been partly covered in the civil engineering curricula.

The ICT will strongly influence how we take advantage of and interact with the computer resources

  • information storage and interaction media will be more separated (paper is both)
  • it will be easier to adapt information containers to user needs and usage context (meta data, models interoperability, model access, etc.)
  • buildings and building processes will be more effectively and efficiently represented in digital models with different knowledge representations.
  • the web will form the infrastructure for information container access, and application communication
  • human collaboration, team work and communication modes will be developed and partly changed
  • collaboration work spaces will get a added virtual dimension being less dependent of the physical room.

The mutual influence between practice and ICT progress is necessary to maintain. Civil engineers must posses both general and some specialised ICT related knowledge to be able to specify and participate in the development of new ICT tools and to be pro-active in the process of changing work routines and company and project organisation.

This course aims at providing general knowledge on how present and future digital product and process models can be designed and implemented as well as deeper knowledge in certain key areas such as conceptual modelling methods, different knowledge representation propereties, web-database integration, the semantic web, and model integration. See also Building Inofrmatics Overview and Steinman, 2004, The Job Profile of Construction Informatics

2. Goal

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The goal of the Building informatics course in 'Knowledge Representations and Semantic Web' is to mediate knowledge about fundamental concepts, technologies and methods to analyse and develop models which describes a building, the building process and the digital infrastructures from design to application as well as mediation of knowledge about how the future services, systems, and infrastructures for knowledge management can be built and integrated.

3. Volume/Placement

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This 2 modules course is one of 2 with emphasis on IT during the semester 7 Master of IT in Building Management education (calendar).

4. Content

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Explaining Knowledge Management. Knowledge Management tools. Principles for meta-structuring in web based structures. Project webs. Properties of the next generation Semantic Web. (XML, RDF). Knowledge representations in practice.
Web database integration.
Existing classification systems and meta classification methodologies.
Conceptual and data modelling techniques.
(Acquisition and storage of building process data. Design and development of services for knowledge transfer and knowledge management.)
Introduction to conceptual modelling methods and languages.
Building Product Models in perspective.
(Cad system properties.)
(Building applications supported by product models.)
(Future structures of virtual building models.)
(International Foundation Classes, IFC.)
IT infra structures and intelligent buildings

5. Learning Material

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The course content is delivered through the lectures, reading of literatur , and exercises/miniproject. It is impossible to find a set of literature that covers the course content completely. The lectures are supported by lecture slides available on the course web site. The slides with emphasized titles in the navigation bar has the same status as course literature (though not eventual references on the slide).

References to further reading is found in the lecture notes.

The coarse literature consists of both Lecture Slides and literature according to the list below.

The 'IT in Civil Engineering' site ( also gives access to previous years courses and if applicable mini projects. You reach it from the top of this page.

5.1 Lectures

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The lectures are accessed from the lecture scheme below.

Each lecture has a easy to navigate slide bar and an opening slide with short content description, questions for self assessment, references to the literature according to the literure list below and proposals for further reading.

The four hour lecture/exercise followes the scheme
  • 1 hour lecture
  • 1 hour exercise in group
  • 2 hours exercise results presentation and follow discussions

5.2 Exercises/Mini-project

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The exercies are also accessed from the lecture scheme below. Student group exercises results are continously updated

The exercices may well take use cases from the ongoing semester project or even be contained in a mini-project defined by the group.

The following domains will be covered during the exercices

  • Write scenario(s) of the future ICT supported building process
  • Conceptual modelling of your semester 7 project
  • Database design and web access
  • Knowledge representations
  • Meta structuring of information using XML and RDF
  • New services in digital cities and intelligent buildings

The course exercises uses modelling domains of this figure.

5.3 Software

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The following ICT, Information and Communication tools, are available during exercises/minproject activity. (those marked with * only at the Media Lab at institute 6)

  • XML Spy
  • ......

5.4 Literature

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/1/ Christiansson P, Carlsen M (2005) Virtual Building from Theory to Practice. Proceedings W78 22nd Conference on Information Technology in Construction. Edited by R.J. Scherer, P. Katranuschkov, S.-E. Schapke. Dresden July 19-21, 2005. (pp. 171- 175).

/2/ Rasmussen Annelise, 1996, "Introduktion til IDEF0 Version 1.1". Institut for Anvendt Konstruktion og Produktion. Danmarks Tekniske Universitet. Lyngby (30 pages)

/3/ Miller R, 2003, "Practical UML: A Hands-On Introduction for Developers". Borland Developer Network. (7 pages).,1410,31863,00.html. [local].

/4/ Frederiksen Helle, 2000, "Databasedesign med Access 2000". IDG Forlag, Valby. (103 pp.). ('Centrale databasebegreber sid. 6-11, 'Normalisering' sid. 60-63). ('Analyse' sid. 36-38, 'Dataanalyse' sid. 51-56). ('SQL-forespørgsler'' sid. 24-28).

/5/ Christiansson P, Herrera A, 1987, "Kunskapsbaserade system/expertsystem. Värdering av några existerande verktyg" / "Knowledge Based Systems/Expert systems. Evaluation of some existing tools". NBS-DATA seminarium, Oslo, 24-25 september 1987. (15 pp).

/6/ Johnson, M., 1999, "XML for the absolute beginner".

/7/ Falk V, "LON i dagens Danmark". Dansk Automationsselskab.

/8/ Christiansson P, 2000, "Knowledge Representations and information Flow in the Intelligent Building". 'Proceedings of he Eighth International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering. ICCCBE-VIII 2000 (eds: Fruchter R, Pena-Mora F, Roddis K)', ISBN 0-7844-0513-1. American Society of Civil Engineers, Reston, Virginia, USA. (Stanford University, USA. August 14-17, 2000). (pp. 604-611).
KEYWORDS: intelligent building, services, digital city, design, communication

6. Examination

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Oral individual test based on 1-3 hour discussions a group on a mini project or exercises collection. Assessed with the grade "passed" or "failed" with internal censor participation.

Examination will take place at 09.00 group 3.108 and 10.00 group 3.110, room 1.201, Friday January 12, 2007. Examinator is Per Christiansson and censor Kjeld Svidt.
Registration no later than January x 2007, 12.00.

The group exercises/miniproject reports and presentation at examination are if available presented here

  • Group 3.108
  • Group 3.110

7. Course Participants

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7.1 Students


Helle Bobach
Morten Brandhøj Olesen
Joans Solhøj Thomassen
Finn Brødbæk Jensen


Søren Hermansen
Kasper Kirk
Allan Filskov Jørgensen
Daniel Kristian Hansen

Gruppe: 3.108

Projekt: Karl Molin

Gruppe: 3.110

Projekt: Spæncom

7.2 Teachers

Prof Per Christiansson (course responsible).

8. Lecture Scheme

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Tuesday September 19, 2006
Fibigerstræde 16,
room 1.111
Aalborg University

(Per Christiansson)

This lecture explains and comments the introduction of IT in the building process during the latest decades.

But first we look at the fundamental relation between a part of the world, the formalised systems it contains and how these can be modelled and formalised.

Digital models, standards and systems have been developed to support for example engineering calculations, stability analyses, simulations, graphic presentations, time planing, resource management, and documentation.

Building product and process models are explained and exemplified as well as relevant knowledge management issues including new ways to handle information containers in local to global networks.



Exercise A

Tuesday September 26, 2006
Fibigerstræde 16,
room 1.111
Aalborg University
(Per Christiansson)]

Tuesday October 3, 2006
Fibigerstræde 16,
room 1.101
Aalborg University
(Per Christiansson)
Conceptual Modelling

Before we arrive to the actual implementation of our data models in computer systems we must make so called conceptual models.

A conceptual model is a high level description of parts of and the whole process we are considering for computer application. It will help us to understand and describe the world we are dealing with (even if we do not intend to make a computer implementation). There are different conceptual modelling methods which are suited for different or similar application areas.

We will look at conceptual modelling of the building product and it's time dependent properties (process models) during specification, design, contruction, use, and demolition/recycling of the building product. Special focus will be on the UML (Unified Modeling Language).

We will also mention the so called Contectual Design method for capture of user requirements and user enviroenment design in connection with system development and relate it to UML.



Exercise B


Tuesday October 10, 2006.
Fibigerstræde 16,
room 1.111
Aalborg University.
(Mads Carlsen)

Wednesday October 11, 2006.
Fibigerstræde 16,
room Fib14:59
Aalborg University.
08.15 - 12.00
(Per Christiansson)


Relational databases is and will be an very important information container for building process and product information.

We will repeat some database basics from semester 6 (normalisation, SQL calls to databases).

We will also learn about the principles and methods behind connecting databases to web browsers.

You will make a small database (part of a company project web) and explain how it can be made accessible from the web.

We will try out and analyse some existing project webs (Byggeweb) used in construction projects and in connection with R&D projects involving industry collaboration. You will reflect on needs and requirements specification as well as how this technology, models, and information containers [project webs] could be used in building projects, to support company costumer relations and company knowledge management.



Exercise C


Monday October 23, 2006.
Fibigerstræde 16,
room 1.211
(Per Christiansson)


We will look at different ways to transfer conceptual models to more structured data models that can be implemented and accessed through different knowledge representations implemented in digital computer systems.



Exercise D

Tuesday October 25, 2006
Fibigerstræde 16,
room 1.211
Aalborg University

Wednesday November 1, 2006
Fibigerstræde 16,
room 1.211
Aalborg University

(Mads Carlsen)
(Per Christiansson)

Computers can be used to store information which will mimic or support our own knowledge stored in hour brains. There is a spectrum of different computer software which can be used to represent different knowledge handling routines and knowledge domains. For example in connection with decision support, information retrieval and storage, experience capture, collaboration, and design syntheses.

We focus in this course on relational databases (see 5-6. Web and Databases) and hypertext representations supported by HTML (with recap of HTML basics) and the new ways can separate content and access of web based hypertext information (XML, XSL, XSD).

You will also get a short insight into other representation forms such as production systems, predicate logig based systems, artificial neural networks, induction systems, and analogue representations (Object representations are covered in another course and will only be touched upon here).

We will during lecture 8 dive deeper into the principles for meta-structuring of web based information containers (URIs) in web based environments using Semantic Web technologies.



Exercise E

New Time Tuesday November 28, 2006
Fibigerstræde 16,
room 1.211
Aalborg University

(Per Christiansson)

Information technology,IT, will cause a paradigm shift in our society from the art of writing, printing to the art of communication. In the same way as the car highly influenced the physical design of our society IT will higly influence the forming of the global villages.

New services will be designed and implemented in the citizen nets to support the village inhabitants - access to services and facts bases, and possibilities for active participation in the (democratic) decision process. We will study and analyse ongoing efforts in the area.

The building product itself will contain or have attached to it IT-tools which will support it during it's life time. Information handling and communication support will be given for the building inhabitants, for the adminstration of the building and it's operation and maintenence (O&M). The IT support will be in the form of conventional computer systems and sophisticated input/output units as well as in the building and installations embedded computer systems.

We will investigate exisiting and expected infrastructures, systems, and services in the intelligent buildings and digital cities, and how they can be designed, modelled, and implemented.


/7/, /8/

Exercise F

Tuesday January 12, 2007
08.15 -12.00
Fibigerstræde 16,
Room 1.208

Aalborg University

(Per Christiansson)


/xx/, /xx/

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Per Christiansson