sem7 Multimedia. Master of IT. 2000/2001

[home] [education] [Master IT Build] Last update 2001.04.27 (2001.01.17) [2001.01.17]

Multimedia interface design and Computer Collaborative Work - MM2.

  • To mediate knowledge about concepts, methods and technology for design and implementation of multimedia interfaces as well as collaborative design and team work in web-based environments
  • This 2 module PE (project unit) course is placed during semester 4 of the Aalborg University open Master of IT education.
    • The Multimedia paradigm
    • Multimedia interface properties and underlying models
    • Contextual design and user requirements formulation
    • Data sources content, editing and formats
    • Limitations and possibilities
  • .....
References: See also the semester 2, 2000, Human Computer Interfaces Course where you also find VRML references.
    Further reading
  1. Simpson K. T., 1998, The UI War Room and Design Prism: A user Interface Design Approach from Multiple Perspectives. in User Interface Design. Bridging the Gap from User Requirements to Design. (ed. Larry E. Wood). CRC Press, Boston. 1998. (312 pp) (pp. 245-274).
  2. .....

Semester 4 Project Contribution: The MM2 course will contribute to the ongoing 'Knowledge Management' project in supplying a multimedia web accessed description of the project and in this connection developed systems, methods and theories.
  • product presentation
  • tutorial for understanding project results
  • learning material supplied with project

Course Layout: Introductory lectures are given Friday January 19, 2001
  1. Multimedia interface design and Computer Collaborative Work - MM2. Setting the MM/HCI scene. Per Christiansson, Kjeld Svidt. [19.1.2001].
  2. Multimedier i Processkontrol. Morten Knudsen. [20.1.2001].
  3. Interactive 3D models on the web. Per Christiansson. [3.3.2001].

Multimedia, MM, system development steps (steps 5-11 with higher degree of tutoring). The steps below are commented on the introductory lecture 1 above.

  1. Define the problem (applications, use cases, actors, intended results,...)
  2. Describe the underlying application model that shall be explained in the MM system
  3. Define the system design, development and test process (resources available),
  4. Prototyping and collaboration procedure, authoring tools,..
  5. Set up the collaboration environment
  6. Conceptual rough outline of form and function for MM system access. Input from 'user groups'
  7. User requirements modelling with end user involvement. Documentation of work models for the MM system
  8. Functional interface proposal ver 1. Hypothetical interface solutions.
  9. If necessary provide (input to) UML models for the underlying applications
  10. Data definition and collection for the MM system
  11. Data manipulation (graphics, video, 3D models)
  12. Authoring activities
  13. Usability studies and evaluation with end users
  14. goto 9
  15. Delivery

Tools: To be further discussed with students depending on wishes.

  • Photoshop (source from digital camera, images, modelling program,...)
  • Architectural Desktop (AutoCad)
  • 3DStudio (Viz and Max) with VRML and Cult3D output
  • Cult3D
  • Video editing software (source from digital or analog video)
  • Video streaming server
  • Netmeeting
  • Director (authoring)
  • Hyperstudio (authoring)
  • etc.

Per Christiansson