Ben Shneiderman. "Designing the User Interface"

Shneiderman, 1998, "Designing the User Interface". Addison-Wesley Longman Inc., Reading Massachusetts. (638 pp).

Ben Shneiderman's book is used in the first year HCI course of the Master of IT education at Aalborg University. Beside the book the course lecture notes contain useful information and further references.

The following chapters in Shneiderman's book are recommended as primary reading.


CONTENTS (example)
Chapter 1
Human Factors of Interactive Software
pages 4 - 49
1.3 Goals of User-Interface Design (pp. 14)
1.4.4. Exploratory, creative, and coooperative systems (pp. 17)
1.5.2 Cognitive and perceptual abilities (pp. 20)
1.5.3 Personality differences (pp.21)
References (pp. 33-49). (Just a pointer to furher reading for those interested)
Chapter 2
Theories Priniciples, and Guidelines
pages 52 - 93
2.2 High-Level Theories (pp. 53)
2.3 Object-Action Interface Model (pp. 61)
2.4.1 Usage profiles (pp. 67)
2.4.3 Interaction styles (pp. 71)
Chapter 3
Managing Design Processes
pages 95 - 121
3.4 Development Methodologies (pp. 104)
3.5 Ethnographic Observation (pp. 107)
3.6 Participatory Design (pp. 109)
3.7 Scenario Development (pp. 111)
Chapter 4
Expert Reviews, Usability Testing,
Surveys, and Continuing Assessments

pages 123 - 153
4.2 Expert Reviews (pp. 125)
4.3 Usability Testing and Laboratories (pp. 127)
4.4 Surveys (pp. 132)
4.5 Acceptance Tets (pp. 135)
4.6 Evaluation During Active Use (pp. 145)
Chapter 6
Direct Manipulation and Virtual

pages 185 - 233
6.2 Examples of Direct-Manipulation Systems (pp. 187)
6.3 Explanation of Direct Manipulation (pp. 202)
6.7 Remote Direct Manipulation (pp. 217)
6.8 Virtual Environments (pp. 221)
Chapter 9
Interaction Devices
pages 305 - 349
9.3 Pointing Devices (pp. 315)
9.4 Speech Recognition, Digitization, and Generation (pp. 327)
Chapter 14
Computer Supported Cooperative Work
pages 477-507
14.3 Asynchronous Interactions: Different Time, Different Place (pp. 482)
14.4 Synchronous Distributed: Different Place, Same Time (pp. 488)
14.5 Face to Face: Same Place, Same Time (pp. 494)
14.6 Appying CSCW to Education (pp. 498)
Chapter 15
Information Search and Visualization
pages 509 - 549
15.2 Database Query and Phrases Search in Textual Documents (pp. 513)
15.3 Multimedia Document Search (pp. 519)
15.4 Information Visualization (pp. 522)
Chapter 16
Hypermedia and the World Wide Web
pages 551 - 583
16.1 Introduction (pp. 552)
16.6 Object-Action Interface Model for Web Site Design (pp. 567)

See also

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