sem7 sem3 2006. MM and Interactice Systems.

[home] [education] [sem 3. MM] Last update 2006.09.21 (2004.10.20) [2004.10.20]

MM - Master of IT. Open education Aalborg University


Exercise A on prospects and barriers of future ICT tools
Exercise B on Virtual Workspaces and collaboration tools functionality
Exercise C on Contextual Design and user needs capture
Exercise D on evaluation of usability

Exercise A on prospects and barriers of future ICT tools

[goto top]

List and comment some prospects and barriers regarding specification, design, implementation and use of future ICT tools for collaboration and knowledge transfer.

Vision yourselves as the company group to formulate the company ICT strategy. [To trigger discussion ask - what, who, why, when, where, how].

Exercise B on Virtual Workspaces and collaboration tools functionality

[goto top]

Describe some available ICT based collaboration tools in terms of functionality (user interface, application/data sharing), system performance and possible use. Imaging yourself as responsible for setting up a virtual caollaboration environnment for your company involving 3 offices at different places.

Exercise C on Contextual Design and user needs capture

[goto top]

Envision yourself as advisor for a company who is going to re-engineer its knwoledge management system, CHAPS, and user environment, UE. (Use if possible your semester project).

  1. Write a few lines describing the Goals with CHAPS
  2. Describe the focus system user groups
  3. Draw rich pictures of CHAPS. Formulate a Vision.
  4. Compose the work modelling team.
  5. Capture and list user needs (contextual inquiry).
  6. Draw simplified work flow models showing users/roles and in the proposed environment. Describe formal and informal communication, as well information containers (existing and new)
  7. Draw sequence models (corrsponding to the work flows) showing the works steps to achieve desired goals/intents.
  8. Describe in the cultural model the constraints on the system caused by organsational culture.
  9. Describe the artifacts/tools that will support the use of CHAPS.
  10. Update the vision.
  11. Make a storyboard to decribe the User Environment
  12. Sketch the physical (distributed) environment where CHAPS will be used.
  13. Sketch user environment system interface
  14. goto 5 (or goto next point if you have enough user-needs/system-requirements formulated)
  15. Detailed user environment design (you just give some comments on functional focus areas of the CHAPS).

Exercise D on evaluation of usability

[goto top]

Plan the evaluation procedure of 'CHAPS'
Use the DECIDE framwork.
DECIDE: framework to guide evaluation (Preece, 2002. page 348)

  • Determine the overall goals that the evaluation addresses
  • Explore the specific questions to be answered
  • Choose the evaluation paradigm and techniques to answer the questions
  • Identify the practical issues that must be addressed, such as selecting participants
  • Decide how to deal with the ethical issues
  • Evaluate, interpret, and present the data

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Per Christiansson