- At give de studerende forståelse af kommunikationsprocessen mellem bruger og computer, med fokus på grafiske brugergrænseflader og værktøjer til produktion af multimedia
- At sætte den studerende i stand til at anvende teorier, metoder og teknikker til design af multimedie baseret interaktion mellem bruger og computer.
- At give de studerende en forståelse af forskellige problemstillinger relateret til integration af forskellige informationskanaler
Volume/ Placement:
This 1 module PE (project unit) course is placed during semester 1 of the Aalborg University
open Master of IT education.
- Principper og metoder til design af grafiske brugergrænseflader.
- Avancerede multimodale brugergrænseflader
- Virtual reality teknologier, og egenskaber for virtuelle verdner
- Grundlæggende grafisk design for kommunikations- og navigerings støtte
- Grundlæggende webdesign og web usability engineering
- Integration og tolkning af informationer stammende fra flere modaliteter.
- Vurdering af kommunikative web baserede IT-løsninger
- Multimedie formater
- Værktøjer til indsamling, manipulering og lagring af multimedie information.
- Digital billedbehandling
- Digital film og interaktiv video
- Web baserede interaktiv 3D grafik
- Multimedie editerings og forfatter værktøjer
- The course supports the project work and is evaluated together
with the project work.
- Alternatively exercises can be solved and delivered.
Course literature
- Lecture notes and exercises accessible from this WWW course site.
- ...... papers within special fields (Web 3D, etc.)
- Faulkner Xristine, 2000, "Usability Engineering". MacMillan Press, New York (244 pp.). (EXTRACTS: pp. 21-28 'Usability - know the user', pp. 157-160 'Cooperative Evaluation', pp. 188-192 'Usability heuristics'.)
- Preece J, Rogers Yvonne, Helen Rogers, 2002, "Interaction Design - beyond human-computer interaction". John Wiley & Sons, New York (519 pp). (Amazon Books, 56 US dollars). http://www.id-book.com/. (pp. 344-358)
Further reading
- Nielsen J, 200, 1999, "Designing Web Usability : The Practice of Simplicity". New Riders Publishing; ISBN: 156205810X . (432 pp.). 36 US$ (530 DKK).
- löwgren J, 1993, "Human-Computer Interface. What every system developer should know". Studentlitteratur, Lund (134 pp).
- Shneiderman, 1998, "Designing the User Interface". Addison-Wesley Longman Inc., Reading Massachusetts. (638 pp).
- Nielsen J, 1995?, "How to Conduct a Heuristic Evaluation". http://www.useit.com/papers/heuristic/heuristic_evaluation.html
(from http://www.useit.com/papers/heuristic/)
- Xerox, 1995, 'X Heuristic Evalualtion - A System Checklist'. Usability Analysis & Design, Xerox Corporation. PDF-version, http://www.stc.org/pics/usability/resources/toolkit/he_cklst.doc
- Nielsen J, 1994, "Usability Engineering
($30.99). Morgan Kaufmann Publishers. (Paperback - 362 pages)
- "useit.com: Jakob Nielsen's Website, usable information technology". http://www.useit.com/
- 'Recommended Other Websites'. http://www.useit.com/hotlist/
- Ask Tog. 'The following principles are fundamental to the design and implementation of effective interfaces, whether for traditional GUI environments or the web.' http://www.asktog.com/basics/firstPrinciples.html.
- Usability Special Interest Group. http://www.stc.org/pics/usability/resources/