See also
http://vbn.aau.dk/research/informationsteknologi_i_byggeriet(276)/ and
ITC Digital Library, http://itc.scix.net/, and
and http://delphi.kstr.lth.se/kbs/current/publications.html (KBS-Media Lab. Lund University). Moved to (excuses for possible empty links) http://it.civil.aau.dk/it/delphi/KBS/current/publications.html
- Christiansson P, Svidt K, Pedersen K B, Dybro U (2011) "User Participation in the Building Process". Journal of Information Technology in Construction (ITcon), Vol. 16, pg. 309 - 334, http://www.itcon.org/2011/20. (25 pages).
KEYWORDS: User driven Innovation, Functional building systems, Virtual Buildings, collaborative virtual environments.
- Christiansson P, Dybro U, Svidt K, Pedersen K B (2010) "ICT-supported end user participation in creative and innovative building design". Proceedings of the 8th European Conference on Product & Process Modelling, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland. 14-Sept to 16-Sept, 2010. eWork and eBusiness in Architecture, Engineering and Construction – Menzel & Scherer (Eds) © 2010 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-0-415-60507-6.
KEYWORDS: User driven innovation, methodology, creative, building design, needs, cases.
- Sørensen K B, Christiansson P, Svidt K (2009) "Ontologies to Support RFID-Based Link between Virtual Models and Construction Components". Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering 25 (2010) 285-302.
KEYWORDS: Ontologies, Virtual Models, RFID, Project Progress Management, Ubiquitous Computing
- Christiansson P, Sørensen K B, Steffensen K G, Svidt K (2009) "User driven innovative building design". Proceedings of the CIB W78, 26th International Conference on 'Managing IT in Construction'. CRC Press, Balkema. October 1-3 2009, Istanbul Technical University. ISBN 978-0-415-56744-2 (hbk), ISBN: 978-203-85978-o (eBook) (pp. 333-340).
KEYWORDS: User driven innovation, virtual construction, creative, building design, needs, functional build-ing systems.
- Sørensen K B (2009) "Virtual Models Linked with Physical Components in Construction." ISSN 1901-7924. DCE Thesis No.21. PhD thesis. Department of Civil Engineering, Aalborg University. August 2009. (pp 282).
- Widén K, Christiansson P, Syvertsen T G, Hjelseth E, Storgaard K (2009) "ICT innovation in the construction sector - a framework for success." Division of Construction Management, Lund University. Sweden. August 2009. ISSN 1651-0380. ISBN 978-91-85257-90-4. (80 pp.)
KEYWORDS: Innovation, diffusion, implementation adoption, ICT, case studies
- Alsdorf M, Christiansson P, Dybro U, Steffensen K G, Svidt K, Sørensen K B (2009) VIC-MET. En metode til brugerinvolvering i byggeprocessen. Aalborg Universitet, Arkitema, Rambøll (26 pp.)
- Christiansson P, Svidt K, Sørensen B (2009) Future integrated design environments, Journal of Information Technology in Construction (ITcon), Vol. 14, Special Issue Next Generation Construction IT:
Technology Foresight, Future Studies, Roadmapping, and Scenario Planning, pg. 445-460,
Keywords: Future integrated building design systems, system development tools, ontologies, user driven innovation, functional building systems, end user needs, requirements modeling, innovative building design tools.
- Sørensen K, Christiansson P, Svidt K (2009) "Prototype development of an ICT system to support construction management based on virtual models and RFID", ITcon Vol. 14, Special Issue Next Generation Construction IT:Technology Foresight, Future Studies, Roadmapping, and Scenario Planning , pg. 263-288, http://www.itcon.org/2009/19
Keywords: Construction management, radio frequency identification (RFID), virtual design and
construction, Contextual Design, future user needs, user environments, mobile ICT.
- Christiansson P., Svidt K., Gyldenvang K. S., Alsdorf M. (2008) Virtual Innovation in Construction - VIC. Poster presented at Ethnographic Praxis in Industry Conference 2008 (EPIC 2008) den 15 oktober kl. 15.30 i Glassalen på Danmarks Designskole, København. (1 page).
Keywords: Innovation; user driven; needs; requirements; creative design; construction; system development
- Sørensen K. B., Christiansson P., Svidt K., Jacobsen K., Simoni T. (2008) "Radio Frequency Identification in Construction Operation and Main-tenance – Contextual Analysis of User Needs". ICCCBE-XII & INCITE 2008 - 12th International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering & 2008 International Conference on Information Technology in Construction. ISBN 978-7-302-18670-0. October 16-18, 2008. Beijing, China. (6 pp).
Keywords: Radio Frequency Identification; operation and maintenance; contextual design; user needs; mobile IT, system development, pilot test
- Christiansson P., Sørensen K. B., Rødtness M., Abrahamsen M., Ostenfeld L. R.,
Alsdorf M. (2008) "User driven innovation in the building process". One page abstract. ICCCBE-XII & INCITE 2008 - 12th International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering & 2008 International Conference on Information Technology in Construction.
ISBN 978-7-302-18670-0. October 16-18, 2008. Beijing, China. (6 pp).
Keywords: Innovation; user driven; needs; requirements; creative design; construction; system development
- Christiansson P., Sørensen K. B., Rødtness M., Abrahamsen M., Ostenfeld L. R.,
Alsdorf M. (2008) "User driven innovation in the building process". Journal of Tsinghua University-Science and Technology. Elsevier. Volume 13. Number S1. October 2008. ISSN 1007-0214 40/67. CN 11-3745/N, CODEN TSTEF7. Elsevier. (pp248-254).
Keywords: Innovation; user driven; needs; requirements; creative design; construction; system develop-ment
- Sørensen K. B., Christiansson P., Svidt K., Jacobsen K., Simoni T. (2008) "Towards Linking Virtual Models with Physical Objects in Construction using RFID - Review of Ontologies". Proceedings of the CIB-W78 25th International Conference on Information Technology in Construction (Editor Leonardo Rischmoller). Santiago de Chile, July 15-17 2008. ISBN: 978-956-319-361-9 (pp. 418-428).
Keywords: Virtual Models, RFID, Ontologies, Project Progress Management, Ubiquitous Computing.
- Svidt K., Christiansson P. (2008) "Requirements on 3D building information models and electronic communication – experiences from an architectural competition". Proceedings of the CIB-W78 25th International Conference on Information Technology in Construction (Editor Leonardo Rischmoller). Santiago de Chile, July 15-17 2008. ISBN: 978-956-319-361-9 (pp. 231-238).
Keywords: 3D building models, BIM, electronic communication, requirements, architectural competition.
- Christiansson P., Svidt K., Sørensen K. B. (2008) "Future integrated design environments". Proceedings of the CIB-W78 25th International Conference on Information Technology in Construction (Editor Leonardo Rischmoller). Santiago de Chile, July 15-17 2008. ISBN: 978-956-319-361-9 (pp. 176-188).
KEY WORDS: Integrated building design, future, ontologies, models, user driven, innovation.
- Jørgensen, K. A., Skauge J., Christiansson P., Svidt K., Sørensen K. B., Mitchell J. (2008) "Use of IFC Model Servers. Modelling Collaboration Possibilities in Practice". Aalborg University, Aarhus School of Architecture, and University of New South Wales. May 2008. (60 pp.)
KEY WORDS: Building modelling, IFC, model server.
- Karlshøj J, Bennetsen J C, Kjems E, Svidt K, Nybo E, Jørgensen J, Kristian Stenild K (2007) "Håndbog i 3D-modeller". Håndbog i 3D-modeller er udarbejdet af B3D-konsortiet Erhvervs- og Boligstyrelsens implementeringsprogram Det Digitale Byggeri. Juli 2007 (88 pp)
- Christiansson P. (2007) "ICT Enhanced Buildings Potentials", Proceedings 24th CIB W78 Conference "Bringing ICT knowledge to work". June 26 - 29 2007, Maribor, Slovenia. ISBN 978-961-248-033-2. (pp. 373-378).
Keywords: Intelligent buildings, ontology, service, future, functional systems.
- Sørensen M., Svidt K., Christiansson P. (2007) Forandringsmodel for implementering af mobile IT-systemer i små og mellemstore håndværksvirksomheder. DCE Technical Report No. 22. Institut for Byggeri og Anlæg. Aalborg Universitet. Juni 2007. (76 pp.)
Keywords: Model; Ressourcestyrring; IT; Byggepladser
- Farbøl O (2007) Intelligente og reaktive bygninger. Interview med Per Christiansson. Electra, marts 2007. ISSN nr. 0106-4703. (pp. 36-38) (in Danish)
Keywords: Intelligent bygning, reaktiv bygning, det digitale byggeri
- Lai Yoke-Chin (2006) IT in COllaborative DEsign - ITCODE. Ph.D. Thesis. Department of Civil Engineering, Aalborg University. November 2006. ISBN 1901-7294. (pp. 183)
Keywords: building industry, collaboration, early design, meeting minutes, total-knowledge managament, Semantic Web, ontology.
- Svidt K, Christiansson P (2006)
Experiences from implementation of ICT for resource management in small construction companies.
Proceedings of the World IT Conference for Design and Construction, INCITE/ITCSED 2006, 15 - 17 November 2006, New Delhi. ISBN 81-89809-01-6. (pp. 285-295, Vol.1).
Keywords: Construction site, ICT, SME, resource management.
- Christiansson P, Svidt K (2006)
Usability evaluation of mobile ICT support used at the building construction site
Proceedings of the World IT Conference for Design and Construction, INCITE/ITCSED 2006, 15 - 17 November 2006, New Delhi. ISBN 81-89809-01-6. (pp. 353-364, Vol.1). [Keynote presentation].
Keywords: Usability, test, construction site, ICT, SME.
- Christiansson P, (2006) Kravmodel for det Det Digitale Byggeri.
DACaPo kommentar. Det Digitale Byggeri. 30 maj 2006.
DCS Technical Memorandum No. 4, Department of Civil Engineering, Aalborg University. ISSN 1901-7278 (14 sid.)
- Christiansson P, Svidt K (2006) Kommentar til Informationsniveauer og modeltyper. B3D og 3D arbejdsmetoder. Det Digitale Byggeri. April 2006..
DCS Technical Memorandum No. 3, Department of Civil Engineering, Aalborg University. ISSN 1901-7278 (8 sid.)
Keywords: Informationsniveau, modeltyp, bygningsmodel
- Sabroe H, Johansen J, Fage N, Christensen L, Buchardt L, Emborg J , Christiansson P, Carlsen H, Jensen P A (2006) Byggherrekrav - Digital Aflevering. Kravspecifikation - revision 2/final. Det Digitale Byggeri. Erhvervs- og byggestyrelsen. Marts 2006. (42 pp).
Keywords: Byggherre, krav, aflevering, datamodel
- Sabroe H, Johansen J, Fage N, Christensen L, Buchardt L, Emborg J , Christiansson P, Carlsen H, Jensen P A (2006) Byggherrekrav - Digital Aflevering. Vejledning - revision 2/final. Det Digitale Byggeri. Erhvervs- og byggestyrelsen. Marts 2006. (49 pp).
Keywords: Byggherre, vejledning, aflevering, datamodel
- Christiansson P, Svidt K (2006) Høringskommentarer vedr. 3D CAD manual 2007. Overordnede kommentarer vedrørende
Del 1: 3D arbejdsmetode og Del 2: Metodeanvisning. Det Digitale Byggeri. Januar 2006..
DCS Technical Memorandum No. 2, Department of Civil Engineering, Aalborg University. ISSN 1901-7278 (6 sid.)
Keywords: System, model, metadata, komponent
- Sabroe H, Johansen J, Carlsen H, Buchardt L, Christensen L, Christiansson P, (2005) Byggherrekrav - Digital Aflevering. Kravspecifikation - revision 1. Det Digitale Byggeri. Erhvervs- og byggestyrelsen. September 2005. (42 pp).
Keywords: Byggherre, krav, aflevering, datamodel
(Download all documents including Dacapo XML specification).
- Sabroe H, Johansen J, Carlsen H, Buchardt L, Christensen L, Christiansson P, (2005)
Byggherrekrav - Digital Aflevering. Vejledning til Kravspecifikation - revision 1. Det Digitale Byggeri. Erhvervs- og byggestyrelsen. September 2005. (43 pp).
Keywords: Byggherre, vejledning, krav, aflevering, datamodel
- Christiansson P, Fage N, Jensen P A, Johansen J, Carlsen H, (2005)
DACaPo, Digital aflevering brochure.
DACaPo konsortiet. Det Digitale Byggeri. Erhvervs- og byggestyrelsen. September 2005. (9 pp)
Keywords:Byggherre, krav, aflevering, datamodel
- Karlshøj J, Nybo E, Bennetsen J, Kjems E, Svidt K (2005) Bygherrekrav - 3D-modeller, Kravspecifikation version 2. Det Digitale Byggeri. Erhvervs- og Byggestyrelsen. September 2005., 2005.
Keywords:Byggherre, krav, 3d modellering
- Svidt K, Karlshøj J (2005) Bygherrekrav vedrørende 3D-modeller, visualisering og simulering : Erfaringer fra første afprøvningsprojekt, Idékonkurrence for Fibigerområdet. Aalborg Universitet. Det Digitale Byggeri. Erhvervs- og Byggestyrelsen, København, 2005.
- B3D consortium short version of Requirements Specification.Det Digitale Byggeri. Erhvervs- og Byggestyrelsen
- Heldgaard J, Carlsen M, Svidt K (2005). IT på byggepladsen - Slutrapport. http://www1.vitusbering.dk/IT-byg/. Overview, Rapport_afsnit_2, Rapport_afsnit_4, Rapport_afsnit_5, Rapport_afsnit_7. Vitus Bering Danmark, Aalborg Universitet. 2005.
See also
Svidt K, Christiansson P (2006)
Experiences from implementation of ICT for resource management in small construction companies
Christiansson P, Svidt K (2006)
Usability evaluation of mobile ICT support used at the building construction site
- Christiansson P, Carlsen M (2005) Virtual Building from Theory to Practice.
Proceedings W78 22nd Conference on Information Technology in Construction. (Edited by R.J. Scherer,
P. Katranuschkov, S.-E. Schapke). Dresden July 19-21, 2005. ISBN: 3-86005-478-3, CIB Publication No.: 304. (pp. 171- 175).
Keywords: Virtual building, data model, system, digital handover, meta data.
- Christiansson P (2005) Building Management and Learning in Civil Engineering Education.
Proceedings of the 2005 ASCE International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering. (Edited by Lucio Soibelman and Feniosky Peña-Mora). July 12-15, 2005. Cancun, Mexico. ISBN 0-7844-0794-0 (CD), http://www.pubs.asce.org. (Invited paper). (12 pp).
Keywords: IT in construction, building informatics, education, distributed learning, industry collaboration, leaning styles, course content.
- Lai Y-C, Carlsen M (2004) An ontology-driven approach for monitoring collaborative design knowledge. Proceedings of the 5th European Conference on Product and Process Modelling in the Building and Construction Industry - ECPPM2004, 8-10 September 2004, Istanbul, Turkey. Leiden, A.A. Balkema Publishers, 2004. (pp. 311-317)
- "Den gule mursten til Mads Carlsen". Uglen 7- november 2004. Aalborg Universitet.
- Christiansson P (2004) Life long learning for improved product and process modeling support. eWork and eBuseiness in Architecture, Engineering and Construction. Proceedings of the 5th European Conference on Product and Process Modelling in the Building and Construction Industry - ECPPM2004. 8-10 September 2004, Istanbul, Turkey. (eds. Attila Dikbas & Raimar scherer). A.A. Balkema Publishers. Leiden ISBN 04 1535 938 4. (pp. 667-673)
Keywords: distributed learning, learning styles, pedagogic methods, knwowledge transfer
- Sabroe H, Christiansson P, Fage N, Jensen P A, Johansen J, Carlsen H, Emborg J (2004) Bygherrekrav - Digital Aflevering. State of the Art. DACAPO. Det Digitale Byggeri. Kbh. Erhvervs- og Boligstyrelsen, 2004. (53 pp.)
Keywords: udvekslingsformat, driftsdata, vedligehold, digital, facility management
- Karlshøj J, Nybo E, Bennetsen J, Kjems E, Svidt K (2004) Bygherrekrav - 3D-modeller, Kravspecifikation version 1. Juli 2004. http://www.detdigitalebyggeri.dk. Erhvervs- og Byggestyrelsen, København, 2004.
- Karlshøj J, Nybo E, Bennetsen J, Kjems E, Svidt K (2004) Bygherrekrav - 3D-modeller, Vejledning version 1. Juli 2004. http://www.detdigitalebyggeri.dk. Erhvervs- og Byggestyrelsen, København, 2004.
- Johansen J, Sabroe H S, Jensen P A, Emborg J, Søndergaard P, Carlsen H, Carlsen M, Christiansson P (2004) Bygherrekrav - Digital Aflevering Kravspecifikation. DACAPO projektet. Det Digitale Byggeri. Kbh. Erhvervs- og Boligstyrelsen, 2004. (44 s.)
- Johansen J, Sabroe H S, Jensen P A, Emborg J, Søndergaard P, Carlsen H, Carlsen M, Christiansson P (2004) Bygherrekrav - Digital Aflevering Vejledning til kravspecifikation - Bygherre og driftsherre. DACAPO projektet. Det Digitale Byggeri /Kbh. Erhvervs- og Boligstyrelsen, 2004. 31 s.
- Johansen J, Sabroe H S, Jensen P A, Emborg J, Søndergaard P, Carlsen H, Carlsen M, Christiansson P (2004) Bygherrekrav - Digital Aflevering. Vejledning til kravspecifikation - Projekterende og udførende. DACAPO projektet. Det Digitale Byggeri / Erhvervs- og Boligstyrelsen, 2004. 18 s.
- Carlsen M, Hansen S A (2004) Bygherrekrav – projektweb Delrapport C - Dataanalysen : Builder's requirement - project web Constituent report C - Data Analysis. Delrapport C af Projektweb Konsortiets oplæg til workshop 1 d. 13. maj 2004. Det Digitale Byggeri. Erhvervs- og Byggestyrelsen
- Brohus H and Svidt K (2004) Application of ICT supported learning in fluid mechanics, ITcon Vol. 9, Special Issue ICT Supported Learning in Architecture and Civil Engineering , pg. 229-256. ISSN 1400-6529.
Keywords: ICT supported learning, fluid mechanics, education, problem based learning, virtual reality,ventilation technology, learning efficienc
- Christiansson P (2004) ICT supported learning prospects (editorial), ITcon Vol. 9, Special Issue ICT Supported Learning in Architecture and Civil Engineering , pg. 175-194. ISSN 1400-6529.
Keywords: distributed learning, virtual learning space, IT in construction, leaning styles, collaboration, course content
- Lai, Y-C (2004): Contribution
of Semantic Web to Collaborative Design. Proceedings of the 9th CAADRIA
2004 Conference, Seoul, April 28-30 2004, pp. 91-107.
Keywords: collaborative design, metadata, ontology, semantic web, contextualisation
- Sarshar M., Christiansson P., Winter J. (2004) Towards Virtual Prototyping in the Construction
Industry: The Case Study of the DIVERCITY project. Proceedings of Incite2004 - International Conference on Construction Information Technology 2004. Langkawi, Malaysia. February 18-21. (8 pages).
Keywords: Prototyping, barriers, collaboration, virtual workspace
- Zhang, G, Morsing, S, Bjerg, B, Svidt, K (2003): Velocity fields and co2
distribution in the near floor regions of a room with pig_simulators and partition
wall. Procedings of Second International Swine Housing Conference, USA, October
12-15 2003, 8 pages.
Keywords: airflow pattern, floor air velocity, CO2 distribution, non-isothermal
- Lai, YC, Carlsen, M, Christiansson, P, Svidt, K (2003): Semantic
Web Supported Knowledge Management System: An approach to Enhance Collaborative
Building Design. Procedings of 4th Joint Symposium on IT in Civil Engineering,
Nashville, Tennessee, November 15-16, 2003, 14 pages.
Keywords: semantic-web, RDF(S), knowledge management system, ontologies, collaborative
- Tøttrup K, 2003, "Effektiv
formidling af byggteknisk viden - Afgangsprojekt fra AUC skaber ny debat
om vidensanvendelse i fremtidens byggeri." Afgangsprojekt Mads Carlsen. LICITIATIONEN,
mandag 30 juni 2003.
- Christiansson, P, 2003, "Next
Generation Knowledge Management Systems for the Construction Industry".
Auckland, New Zealand, April 23-25, 2003. CIB W78 Proceedings 'Construction
IT Bridging the Distance. CIB Publication 284. ISBN 0-908689-71-3. (494 pages).
(pp. 80-87).
KEYWORDS: knowledge managament, semantic web, temporal, user environment,
change process
- Rørth C, 2003, "Prestige-projekt
i fara" (about the DIVERCITY project). JyllandsPosten, tirsdag den 8 april
2003. (1 pp)
- Tækker C, 2003, "Three-dimensional
world. Buildings in Cybespace" COWI's international magazine - February
no. 6 2003 (reporting experiences from the DIVERCITY project). (pp. 20-23).
- Sarshar M, Christiansson P et.al. (2003), "Distributed Virtual Workspace for enhancing Communication within the Construction
Industry - DIVERCITY", EU project IST-1999-13365 Handbook
February 2003.
Keywords: Virtual workspace, collaboration, briefing, simulation, construction
- "Samarbejde
om 3d-byggemodeller". Computerworld, 24 januar 2003. (sid. 6). Artikel
af Jesper Troelstrup om DIVERCITY projektet.
- Lai Y-C, Christiansson P, Svidt K, 2002, "IT
in Collaboarative Building Design (IT-CODE)". Proceedings of the European
Conference on Information and Communication Technology Advances and Innovation
in the Knowledge Society.
eSM@RT 2002 in collaboration with CISEMIC 2002. (Editors: Yacine Rezgui,
Bingunath Ingirige, Ghassan Aouad). University of Salford, U.K from 22nd -
23rd November 2002. ISBN 0902896415. (pp. 323 - 331, Part A)
KEYWORDS: Collaboration, semantic web, virtual workspace, meta language, temporal
- Svidt K, Bjerg B, 2002:
"Visualisation of CFD Results in a Virtual Reality Environment". Proceedings
of ROOMVENT 2002, 8th International Conference on Air Distribution in Rooms,
Copenhagen, Denmark, September 2002 pp 77 - 80.
KEYWORDS: CFD, Virtual Reality, Immersive Environment, Visualisation
- Zhang G, Bjerg B, Svidt K, Morsing S, Johnsen JO, 2002:
"Measurements of Isothermal Compact Ceiling Jets Generated by Rectangular
Wall Inlets". Biosystems Engineering (2002) 82 (4), (pp. 463-468).
KEYWORDS: Ventilation, Livestock Buildings, Full Scale Laboratory Measurements
- Christiansson P., Da Dalto Laurent, Skjaerbaek J. O., Soubra S., Marache
M., 2002, "
Virtual Environments for the AEC sector - The Divercity experience ".
ECPPM 2002 Proceedings
European Conference of Product and Process Modelling. eWork and eBusiness
in AEC. (Editors: Ziga Turk, Raimar Scherer). Swets & Zeitlinger Publishers,
Lisse The Netherlands. ISBN 90 5809 507 X. 9-11 September 2002, Portoroz,
Slovenia. (pp. 49-55)
KEYWORDS: Virtual Environments, Collaborative Work, Virtual Workspace, 3D
Real Time Interaction, Construction Industry.
- Bjerg B, Svidt K, Zhang G, Morsing S, Johnsen JO, 2002:
"Modeling of air inlets in CFD prediction of airflow in ventilated animal
houses". Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, Vol. 34, May 2002,
pp 223 - 235.
KEYWORDS: CFD, Boundary Conditions, Air Supply, Livestock Buildings
- "Døren
til det ubyggede hus blev åbnet". From the CIB W78 conference Århus/Aalborg
June 2002. Nordjyske Stiftstidende mandag 24 juni 2002.
- Christiansson P., Dawood N. N., Svidt K, 2002, "Virtual
Buildings (VB) and Tools to Manage Construction Process Operations". Proceedings CIB W78 Conference on Distributing
Knowledge In Building, Aarhus, Denmark. June 12-14, 2002. Volume
1. (Editors: Kristians Agger, Per Christiansson, Rob Howard). CIB International
Council for Research and Innovation in Building Construction. ISBN87-90078-34-9.
(pp. 132-139)
KEYWORDS: Virtual buildings, project management, temporal data, knowledge
management, semantic web.
- Bjerg B, Svidt K, Morsing S, Zhang G, Johnsen JO, 2002:
"Modelling of a Wall Inlet in Numerical Simulation of Airflow in Livestock
Buildings". The CIGR Journal of Agricultural Engineering Scientific Research
and Development Vol. IV. March 2002.
KEYWORDS: CFD, Boundary Conditions, Air Supply, Livestock Buildings
- Svidt K., Bjerg B, Dorf Nielsen T, 2001: "
Initial studies on Virtual Reality Visualization of 3D airflow in ventilated
livestock buildings". Proceedings AVR II & CONVR 2001. Conference on Applied Virtual
Reality in Engineering & Construction Applications of Virtual Reality. (eds:
O. Tullberg, N. Dawood, M. Connell. 201 pp.) Gothenburg October 4-5, 2001.
(pp. 176-181).
KEYWORDS: Virtual Reality, CFD, airflow, livestock buildings.
- Christiansson, P, 2001, "Capture
of user requirements and structuring of collaborative VR environments".
AVR II & CONVR 2001. Proceedings Conference on Applied Virtual Reality in Engineering
& Construction Applications of Virtual Reality. (eds: O. Tullberg, N. Dawood,
M. Connell. 201 pp.) Gothenburg October 4-5, 2001. (pp. 1-17). [Key note speech].
KEYWORDS: Collaboration tools, Contextual design, Knowledge Management, User
requirements, Virtual Reality.
- Christiansson P, Svidt K, Skjærbæk J O, Aaholm R, 2001, "User
requirements modelling in design of collaborative virtual reality design systems".
Proceedings International
Conference on Construction Information Technology. Mpumalanga, Soth Africa,
30 May - 1 June 2001. (pp. 40/1 - 40/12)
KEYWORDS: Design, virtual reality, collaborative work, ICT tools, knowledge
- Christiansson P, 2001, "Experiences
from Using Internet Based Collaboration Tools". 'Konference
om Arkitekturforskning og IT'. Proceedings Conference on Architectural
Research and Information Technology. Nordic Association for Architectural
Research. Arkitektskolen i Aarhus 27.-29. april 2001. (pp. 103-112).
KEYWORDS: Virtual reality, collaborative work, ICT tools, design, intelligent
buildings, knowledge transfer.
- Christiansson P, Skjærbæk J O, Svidt K, Aaholm R, 2000. " User
Requirements Formulations and Human Computer Interface Design in the Divercity
project. Context and methods." EU project Divercity. (Draft report, Dec
6, 2000. 27 pages). (.doc
- Christiansson P, 2000, "Information
and Communication Technology, ICT, in the Building Process - Competencies
and change". Presented at Ingeniørforeningen Danmark (IDA) "Kvalificering
af lærere ved ingeniøruddannelserne inden for IT-området"
København 14-09-2000, IDA. (6 pages)
KEYWORDS: education, competencies, information technology
- Christiansson et.al., 2000, "Forslag
til instituttets strategiplan 2000-2005". Institutt for Bygningsteknik, Aalborg Universitet, 21 augusti 2000. (21 pages).
- Christiansson P, 2000, "Knowledge
Representations and information Flow in the Intelligent Building".
Proceedings of he Eighth International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering. ICCCBE-VIII 2000 (eds: Fruchter R, Pena-Mora F, Roddis K), ISBN 0-7844-0513-1.
American Society of Civil Engineers, Reston, Virginia, USA. (Stanford University, USA. August 14-17, 2000). (pp. 604-611).
KEYWORDS: intelligent building, services, digital city, design, communication
- Svidt K, Heiselberg P, Nielsen P V (2000) Characterization of Airflow from a Bottom Hung Window for Natural Ventilation. Air Distribution in Rooms : Ventilation for Health and Sustainable Environment : Proceedings of ROOMVENT 2000 Vol. 2. Amsterdam : Elsevier, 2000. 755-760. s. Konferencen: International Conference on Air Distribution in Rooms, Reading, Storbritannien, 9. juli 2000 - 12. juli 2000.
- Christiansson P, 2000, "IT
in Distributred Open Learning Environments". Proceedings Construction Information
Technology 2000 - Taking the Construction Industry into the 21st century,
(ed. G. Gudnason) Icelandic Building Research Institute. ISBN 9979-9174-3-1.
Reykjavik, Iceland in June 26-30 , 2000. (pp. 197-208).
KEYWORDS: distributed learning, IT, experiences, project work.
- Christiansson P, 2000,"Intelligente Bygninger - andet og mere end IBI".
Danvak årsmøde Mars 29, 2000, Cowi, Aalborg, Danmark. (7 sid.)
- Christiansson P (2000) Modeller och gränssnitt i distribuerat lärande. CITU Seminar, Lund University, Sweden, February 2000. Aalborg University.
- Christiansson P, 2000, " Projekførslag:
Den Digitale Bydel, DIBY". Det Digitale Nordjylland, Fyrtorn. Indlæg
til møde den 14.1.2000. IT i Byggeriet, institut 6, 13.1.2000 (1 sid.).
- Christiansson P, 1999, " Experiences
from Design and Use of IT Supported Distributed Learning Environment".
Civil Engineering Learning Technology in Cardiff. (edited by R M Lloyd
& C J Moore). Thomas Telford Ltd. London.. ISBN: 0-7277-2839-3. (pp. 29-42).
3rd AECEF International Symposium (Association of Civil Engineering Faculties
with participation of civil engineering faculties from non-European countries).
1999. 8-10 September 1999, Cardiff.
KEYWORDS: Distributed learning, problem based learning, multimedia interface,
authoring tools, world wide web, education, modelling, collaborative work.
- Christiansson P, 1999, " Properties
of the Virtual Building". Proceedings 8th International Conference on Durability
of Building Materials and Components. Information Technology in Construction.
(ed. M. A. Lacasse, D. J. Vanier). NRC Research Press, Ottawa, 1999. ISBN:
0-660-17743-9. (pp. 2909-2919). (May 30 - June 3, 1999 Vancouver, Canada.)
KEYWORDS: Virtual building, modelling, multimedia, meta classification, temporal
Christiansson P, Mårtensson S, 1999, "Statusrapport
över ITI samarbetet mellan Aalborg och Lunds Universitet". STAT-ITI-AAU-LU-4-1999.
(6 sidor.) KEYWORDS: IT tools, pedagogy, R&D, development, university collaboration
- Christiansson P, et.al. 1999, " SERFIN2
- Skadeförebyggande Erfarenhetsåterföring för Fastighetsförvaltare
på Internet. /Building Maintenance Experience Communication on the
Internet". (pdf-version).
Swedish Council for Building Research and KBS-Media Lab, Lunds Universitet.
(105 pp.)
KEYWORDS: Experience capture, advisory system, building maintenance, Internet,
demonstration system
- Christiansson P, 1999, " Experiences
from WWW supported project course and collaboration". ITi workshop on
distributed learning, March 15, 1999, Aalborg University. (5 pp.)
KEYWORDS: Learning material, project work, collaboration, world wide web
- Vanier D, 1999, "Whole
Life Building Management: Occupancy to Dismantling". "IT Futures" charett.
CIB W78 Workshop on Service Life and Asset Management as part of the 8th International
Conference on the Durability of Building Materials and Components (8DBMC).
(14 pp.)
- Christiansson P, 1998, " Ledare
Husbyggaren Dec. 1998. (editorial in the Swedish Journal Husbyggaren -
'The Builder'). (1 pp.)
KEYWORDS: editorial, knowledge management, digital city, virtual building
- Christiansson P, 1998, " Using
Knowledge Nodes for Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining." Lecture Notes
in Artificial Intelligence 1454. Ian Smith (Ed.). Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg
1998. ISBN: 3-540-64806-2 (pp. 48-59). "Artificial Intelligence in Structural
Engineering. Information Technology for Design, Collaboration, Maintenence,
and Monitoring."
KEYWORDS: knowledge containers, knowledge nodes, meta classification
- Christiansson P, 1998, " Knowledge
Node Aalborg, KNA". IT in Civil Engineering. Aalborg University (19 pp.).
KEYWORDS: knowledge communication, knowledge node, innovation process, commercialization,
models, demonstration
- Christiansson P, 1998, " Den
digitala staden". (Underlag för utarbetande av kravspecifikation
för upphandling av tjänster för utveckling av ett enhetligt
lokalt nätverk för digital kommunikation i Landskrona. (25 pp.).
- Christiansson P, 1997, " Experiences
from developing a Building Maintenance Knowledge Node.".
CIB Proceedings
W78 Workshop on Information Technology Support for
Construction Process Re-Engineering, IT-CPR-97. Cairns, Australia July 9-11,
1997. (pp.89-101). CIB PUBLICATION 208 (ed. Robin Drogemuller)
- Christiansson P, et.al. 1997, "SWEBU Svensk byggforskning på World
Wide Web (Swedish Building Research on the World Wide Web) "De globala nätverkens
möjligheter i byggforskningen". (pdf-version)
Swedish Council for Building Research and KBS-Media Lab, Lunds Universitet.
(92 pp.)
- Christiansson P, 1997, "Underlag
för bedömning av anbud, CECOST. Uppbyggnad av ett system för
datorbaserad distansundervisning via World Wide Web."
KBS-Media Lab, Lund Universitet
4.6 1997. (19 sidor).
- Lindemann. J, 1996, "Low
Cost Distributed VR". KBS-Media Lab, Master Thesis. Lund University.
- Christiansson P, Lagerstedt R, Engborg U, 1996, " User
Models in Search and Navigation Systems on the Internet". Proceedings AEC Applications of the Internet. AEC Systems Anaheim 1996, June 17-20. (7 pp).
- Christiansson P, 1996, "Knowledge
Communication in the Building Industry. The Knowledge Node Concept". Proceedings CIB W78 Workshop on Construction on the Information Highway. Bled, Slovenia.
June 10-12, 1996.
- Christiansson P, 1996, "Universitetshistoriska museet i Lund". 3 februari 1996. KBS-Media Lab, Lunds Universitet. (41 Pages).
- Modin J., 1995, "KBS-CLASS: a neural network tool for automatic content recognition of building texts".
Construction Management and Economics, Spon Press Taylor & Francis Group, (1995) 13, (pp. 411-416).
- Modin, J, 1995, "COOCOM,
New ways of using Information Technology for buildings design and management".
(COOperation and COMmunication in the building process). KBS-Media Lab, Lund
University. (29 pp.)
- Christiansson P, 1995, "Knowledge Communication in the Global Network".
Position paper for the July 16-20 1995 Workshop on RESEARCH DIRECTIONS IN ARCHITECTURAL COMPUTING. Nemetschek Programmsystem GmbH., Technical University of München, Germany. 16-20 juli 1995. (Kluwer) (27 pages)
- Christiansson P, 1995, "The formalization process in global knowledge handling". The Fourth Workshop on Research Directions for Artificial Intelligence in Design. (J. S. Gero and F. Sudweeks eds.). University of Twente Enschede, The Netherlands, January 6 1995 (pp. 24-34).
- Christiansson P, Modin J, 1994, "Communicating Knowledge in the Building Industry: the CUBE System and its Conceptual Models". Advances in Knowledge Organization, Vol 4(1994) (pp. 225-232).
- Sjöblom L, 1994, "Ny informationsteknologi revolutionerar byggprocessen". LTH Nytt, Oktober 1994 (pp. 28-29).
- Christiansson P, 1993, "
Multiteknologi. Möjligheter och begränsningar i teknisk fastighetsförvaltning. Demonstration och erfarenheter från Delphi projektet/Multimedia in technical maintenance. Demonstrations and experiences from the Delphi project".
Proceedings Datassistert
Byggningsforvaltning. Fra DAK tiull FDV - muligheder og erfaringer med integrerte
systemlösninger. NTNF/SINTEF seminar 23-24 september 1993, Oslo. (9 pp.)
- Christiansson P, 1993, "Dynamic Knowledge Nets in a changing building process"". Automation in Construction
1 (1993) . Elsevier Science Publications. Amsterdam (pp. 307-322)
- Christiansson P, 1992, "Utvecklingsstrategier och trender i Byggandets Informationsteknologi. Produktmodeller och kommunikation i internationellt perspektiv".
Workshop - IT Bygg. Ideon Lund 26 november 1992. (13 pp.)
- Christiansson P, Månsson B, Sörhede U, 1992, "Ny informationsteknologi i fastighetsförvaltning. Demonstrationsprojekt. DELPHI-Projektet". KBS-Media Lab, Lunds Universitet.
(83 pp).
- Christiansson P, 1991, "From paper to hyperspace. Representing and handling knowledge in an interactive media emvironment". Proceedings 6th International Conference on Systems Research, Informatics and Cybernetics. Baden Baden, August, 1991. (6 pages).
- "Lund/Apple Joint Project. A Presentation. 1987 - 1991". The KBS-Media Lab (extract). Lund University, April 1991. (8 pages).
- Christiansson P, 1991, "Informationsteknologi utan gränser" (Information technology without limits).
Väg- och Vattenbyggaren 5/91 (pp. 17-22).
- Sjöblom L, 1990, "
Mångmiljonbelopp satsas på nytt LTH-centrum. Ger skjuts framåt för forskning om datorer i byggprocessen.".LTH Nytt nr4 dec. 1990. (2 pages).
- Christiansson P, 1990, "Background agents to enhance access and growth of loosely coupled models for building design". Proceedings 5th International Conference on Systems Research, Informatics and Cybernetics. Special focus symposium on Knwoledge-Based Systems in Building Design. Baden Baden, August 7-8, 1990. (6 pages).
- Christiansson P, 1990, "Advanced
Material Vendor Information System - AMVI". Automation in Construction
2 (1993) . Elsevier Science Publications. Amsterdam (pp. 109-121)
- Christiansson P, 1989, "Framtidens informationsteknologi" (Future information technology).
Dataspecial, December 1989 (pp. 18-19).
- Christiansson P, 1988, "Properties of Future Building Hyper Documents". Conceptual Modelling of Buildings. CIB Proceedings. Publication 126. (Per C hristiansson and Henry Karlsson eds.). CIB W74-W78 seminar, October 1988, Lund (pp. 305-314).
KEYWORDS: Model, document, multimedia, knwoledgebased systems, conceptual modelling, demonstrator.
- Christiansson P, 1988, "Information
Technology in the Building Process. Development Trends in the USA 1988"".
(Editor Per Christiansson). NBS-DATA, Nordiska Byggforskningsorganens Samarbetsgrupp 1988.
(83 pp.)
- Christiansson P, Herrera A, 1987, "Kunskapsbaserade system/expertsystem. Värdering av några existerande verktyg" / "Knowledge Based Systems/Expert systems.
Evaluation of some existing tools". Proceedings Neste Generasjons Datasystem i Byggebransjen, NBS-DATA, 1987, Oslo, 24-25 september. (15 pp).
- "Det elektroniska kontorshuset". Datorn i byggandet Direkt. Jan 1987. (p.4).
Notes from the Seminar October 16, Lund, 1986. (28 pp.)
- Christiansson P,1986 "Högteknologi i byggindustrin. Vad sker i andra länder" / "Knowledge Based SystemsHightechnology in the building industry. International activities."
3B-programmets årskonferens, Oslo, 13 november 1986. (14 pp).
- Christiansson P,1986 "Var är vi? Vart går vi? Perspektiv på datorstöd i byggandet"
Byggindustrin 28.86 (pp. 4-7).
- Christiansson P, 1986, "Structuring a Learning Building Design System". CIB86, Tenth International CIB Congress on Advancing Building Technology 1986. Washington September 21-26. (11 pages)
KEYWORDS: Conceptual modelling, learning domain, integrated database, artificial intelligence, design system
- Christiansson P, 1986, "Properties of Future Knowledge Based Systems. The Interactive Consultation System Example". Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design. Singapore, 1986, May 28-30. (14 pages).
- Christiansson P, 1986, "Swedish and Nordic Activities within CAAD". Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design. Singapore, 1986, May 28-30. (9 pages).
- Christiansson P, 1984, "Integrated
Computer Aided Design. Present and Future Data structures". CIB Proceedings Integrated Computer Aided Design. London 5th-7th June 1984. Publication
78 . (pp. 20-25).
- Christiansson P, (1983) "Datorstödd projetering, Cad. Besök vid företag och universitet USA hösten 1983". Rappor TVBK-3019. Lunds Universitet. (32 pages).
- Christiansson P, Lundgren T (1981) "VDC -växel (Electronic computer terminal switchboard at Lund Institute of Civil Engineering Department)". Rappor TVBK-3019. Lunds Universitet. (32 pages).
- Christiansson P, 1977, "Last- och lasteffektspektra för vägbroar" (Load and loadeffect spectra for highway bridges). Väg- och Vattenbyggaren. Nr 4. 1977 (4 pages).
- Christiansson P, 1977, "Tungt vägs lätt med mobil vågstation" (Mobile highspeed weiging station). Elteknik med aktuell elektronik. 6 april 1977 (3 pages).
- Christiansson P, 1977, "Höghållfast material i stålkonstruktioner". (High strenth steel in steel structures). Byggmästaren nr 3 1977 (4 pages).