sem7 IT in the Building Process. IT Tools.

[home] [education] [semester 8] Last update 2000.03.09 (2000.01.10) [2000.01.10]

IT i Civilingeniørspeciale i Byggeledelse/IT in Building Management.


The group uses the new airport building (Lufthavn) in their project. A number of exercises will be perfomed during the course.

User Models:

    Sketch on user model for the project model developed during the semester. Also make a description of possible 'intelligence profiles'. (Help Gardner, emotional intelligence, learning styles).
Collaboration Tools:
    Install and try out NetMeeting and CuSeeMe between two of the Media Lab computers.

    Sketch (make a conceptual model) of IT tools which could be used for

    • distributed project work in a learning context and/or
    • distributed collaboration between architects, engineers and client
    based on the Media Lab your are sitting in. Also describe the context in which you assume the activities take place (which digital application models exists, which calculation tools will be used, shared databases, how experienced are users,...?)
VRML, Virtual Reality MarkUp Language QTVR (interactive 360 degree image)
    Make a QTVR image from digital project photos
HCI evaulation.
    Apply the '8 Golden Rules' to the sem7 project to evaluate the human computer interface.
Lufthavn presentation
Use the acquired material and knowledge to create a web based interactive presentation of the Lufthavn project under the following assumptions
  • define scenarios and themes for the presentation
  • Use the HCI heurisitcs when designing the interface
  • compose the design team with roles (client, architect, engineer, builder, frequent flyer)
  • let the presentation be evaluated by PC and KS.

Per Christiansson