Kl. 8.00 - 12.00
Onsdag 5.4, Introduktion
onsdag 12.4
onsdag 26.4
onsdag 3.5
onsdag 10.5
Urban design
GIS modellering.
(Lars Bodum)
Bygnings design
Byggningsmodellering. Den intelligente bygning.
(Per Christiansson)
The goal is to mediate knowledge about new services in the intelligent buildings
for support of building users and owners. IT is introduced on four levels -
infrastructure, general systems, services and user support. The Intelligent building
also forms an integrated part in the digtial city.
The building product itself will contain or have attached to it
IT-tools which will support it during it's life cycle. Information
handling and communicatikon support will be given for the
building inhabitants, for the adminstration of the building and it's
operation and maintenence (O&M). The IT support will be in the
form of conventional computer systems and sophisticated
input/output units as well as in the building and installations
embedded computer systems.
We will investigate exisiting and expected infrastructures,
systems, and services in the intelligent buildings as well as
look at an implementation in a local Aalborg office building.
- The Intelligent Building concept. Services and requirements. [5.4.2000]. (IBI 1)
- Intelligent Building systems [12.4.2000]. Guest Lecture René Aaholm, COWI. (IBI 2)
- Guest lecture Thomas Kristensen, LK-NetLON, on 'Lon products and software' to
components, and integrator activities. Design and design evaluation of intelligent building services. Human system interfaces [26.4.2000]. (IBI 3)
- Visit to intelligent office building, Sonofon, Skelager 1, Aalborg. (Sektionsleder Jan Rasmussen). We meet at the entrance 0855. The visit takes place 0900 - 1030. [3.5.2000]. (IBI 4)
- Critique and ideas about design of the future intelligent building. Report.
[10.5.2000]. (IBI 5). OBS date will change due to A&D educational planning meeting. Proposed date 11.5 same time.
(Industriel Design)
Mekatronik modellering.
(John Rasmusen, Kaj Jørgensen, Per Christiansson)
Indbygning af software i produkter
Lektor Kaj A. Jørgensen (KAJ), Prof. Per Christiansson (PC), Lektor John Rasmussen (JR)
Et modul (industriel design)
At give de studerede mulighed for at designe produkter med indbyggede
aktive elementer styret af software.
Interfaces mellem maskiner, processorer og software. Introduktion til
Java-programmering. Bluetooth-teknologi. Afvikling af Java-programmer.
Simulering af funktionsprincipper og brugerinterfaces.
Der gives to introducerende forelæsninger og anvisninger af egnet
litteratur. Derefter tilbydes hver gruppe vejledning i implementeringen af
teknologien i forbindelse med deres almindelige projekter.