Here we document feed-back and proposals for
changes in the course layout and content. (A: = my comments).
2001.03.19 (from discussions with 6 students)
- It is sometimes hard to see the details on the wall dispaly in the lecture room.
(A: Yes room F109 is not
as well suited as F108 for wall projection. F109 will soon be eqipped with a larger wall screen but unfortunately
we will have to wait a long time for F109 to rebuild to an audorium with slanting floor).
- It would be fine to have access to a printout of the lecture notes during the lecture.
(A: You can make a printout yourself from the web. Unfortunatley I have not had the time to
prepare a one page collection of the lecture notes in a PDF document which would have simplified
the print procedure. A possibe improvement could be that I prepared and distibuted a printed lecture note set to each
- Each lecture could have a more elaborate content description than today.
(A: OK I will do that)
- The database section in the course should start with some practical database examples.
(A: Yes, my mistake)
- The IT course could well be a SE course instead of as now a PE course to better motivate us for the
non-project specific parts of the course. As an intermediate solution mandatory attendence could be required.
(A: Agree. We are working on new course schedules to make this transition as the demand for such courses
are increased both from students and other teachers. Mandatory attendence? Maybe and in that case because a lot
of experiences are presented that is not well documented and easily accessible).
- The student project webs from earlier semester 6 courses should be advertised earlier already
during semester 4, to give us possibilities to get familiar with what is to come.
(A: Agree. This is also important in order to introduce higher awarness to other
course developers and teachers that ICT tools play a great role in the learning material content,
project work and communication between students and tutors).
- We discussed the Aalborg learning model efficiency. Students mean that the project work proprtion cannot be
decreased. A lot of valuable knowledge on project group work and phsycology is added to personal student
experiences during each semester. Possibly SE courses could contain a greater portion of self-studies.