sem7 Knowledge Management. Master of IT. 2000/2001

[home] [education] [Master IT Build] Last update 2001.01.20 (2001.01.17) [2001.01.17]

Knowledge Management within Companies and Projects - KM.

  • To mediate knowledge about concepts, techniques and methods for capturing, dissemination and re-use of company and project knowledge
  • to give an understanding of important parameters and methods for analyses, planning and management of organizational and work routines change
  • This 2 module SE (study unit) course is placed during semester 4 of the Aalborg University open Master of IT education.
    • Intranet specification and organisation. Organization analyses from IT perspective. IT and change strategy formulation and implementation. Virtual companies and organizations. Application software communication protocols. Data mining and meta classification. E-commerce and Extranets. Learning organizations.
    • Knowledge and experiences discovery, capture, storage and transfer. Information mediation tools. Knowledge search and navigation tools.
    • Data acquisition and information filtering. Information quality assurance.
    • Knowledge representation properties
  • .....
    Further reading
  1. Schreiber Guus, Akkermans Hans, Anjewierden Anjo, de Hoog Robert, Shadbolt Nigel, van der Velde Walter, Wielenga Bob, 2000, "Knowledge Engineering and Management. The CommonKADS Methodology". The MIT Press. (455 pp.) .
  2. Gulbransen David, 2000, "The Complete Idiot's Guide to XML", Macmillan, Indianapolis. (325 pp.)
  3. Morrison Michael, 2000, "XML Unleashed". 2000. Sams Publishing, USA (960 sid.)
  4. St Laurent S, Cerami E, 1999, "Building XML Applications". McGraw-Hill, New York. (551 pp.)
  5. Senge P, 1990, "The Fifth Discipline.The Art & Practice of The Learning Organization". Random House, London. (424 pp.) (260 DKK).
    (About relations between personal and organisational learning. Mastering change process)
  6. .....

Semester 4 Project Contribution: The course has close links to the Master of IT Industrial Production course in Information modelling.

The project may have an optional weight between theory/practical implementation from 80/20 to 20/80. Typical project support within the Master if IT in Building could be

  • From user requirements modelling to implementation of knowledge management system (knowledge/resource handling in distributed collaborative design, design and access to distributed digital product 'catalogues' )
  • XML for communication and integration support

It should also be mentioned here that the parallel Multimedia course provides further possibilities for

  • product presentation
  • tutorial for understanding project results
  • learning material supplied with project

Course Layout: Introductory lecture are given Saturday January 20, 2001, 0900-1030

Per Christiansson