LU Historical Museum Project

KBS-Media Lab
Lund University

[projects] Last update 1995.11.08

IT at Lund University Historical Museum, LUHM.


The LUHM project aims at


The project will make visible the history of Lund University and place it in the context of Knowledge Communication. Also the future of the University will be enlighted in a local and global context.

We are now in the beginning of a significant paradigm shift where we apply the Art of Communication succeeding the art of writing and art of printing. The project will vividly contribute to the understanding of this paradigm shift and the important role of the University in this shift.


The LUHM project is a front end activity where traditional Museology, History of Ideas and Sciences, and Information Technology is fruitfully mixed. Experiences from the pioneering project BookCulture, The Electronic Book at the Culture Museum, is taken into account.

The project also contributes to demonstrate and introduce advanced IT as a support in the daily work at the museums.


The KBS-Media Lab computer based demonstrator method is used to generate, communicate, evaluate and implement ideas. A team of specialists is involved in the work; Museology, History of Ideas and Sciences, Drama, Graphic Design, and Information Technology.

A supporting local computer network, which will be connected to the Internet, is built-up.


The museum will be opened in the summer 1996. Three specific IT supported functions are integrated in the exhibition in the first phase of the project.

Project set-up: