The Per Ch Int. Advisor

KBS-Media Lab
Lund University

[projects] Last update 1995.05.29

Per Christiansson. Scientific advisor and international contact and support.


Per Christiansson scientific advisor and international contact person to the Swedish Council of Building Research, BFR, within the area of information technology. He is the head of the KBS-Media Lab, supervisor to post graduate and graduate students. He is responsible for the research area KBS-Media Dynamic Knowledge Net within the Swedish National IT-Building Program and member of the steering committee of the IT Building Center at Lund University. He is the BFR representative in CIB W78 and member of several international scientific committees, editorial boards and program committees. He also takes active part in the ongoing research at the KBS-Media Lab. The research area Dynamic Knowledge Net at KBS-Media Lab at Lund University has its main focus on issues concerning knowledge communication and collaboration.

The result of Per Christiansson's work is documented in:

  1. Christiansson P, 1995, "Curriculum Vitae" May 15 1995 (43 pp).
  2. Christiansson P, 1994, "Contact and support function in the field of IT in Construction and KBS-MEDIA and Dynamic Knowledge Net". August 1994. (34 pp).
  3. Kontakt- och stödfunktion i frågor rörande datorstöd i byggprocessen". Redovisning av verksamheten under BFR projekt 910525-4 samt Delområden inom IT Centrum Bygg i Lund, ITBL, där Per Christiansson är projektansvarig (IT). 18.12.1993. (18 sidor).
  4. Christiansson P, 1994, "KBS-Media. Dynamiska Kunskapsnät. Statusrapport IT-Bygg 1991/92-93/94". KBS-Media Lab, Bärande konstruktioner, LTH, 30 mars 1994 (6 sidor).

Industry Relevance:

Per Christiansson is often engaged as lecturer at conferences, workshops and companies presenting views, visions, strategies and demonstrations of information technology. He continuously gives advises within the area.


Holistic, cross disciplinary approach combined with in-depth studies of certain areas of importance. New concepts for advanced use and implementation of IT have been developed and tested during the years.


Directed fundamental research. Demonstrator development. Visits to foreign research institutions. Presentations at symposia. Cross-disciplinary contacts, studies and publications. Membership in internation advisory boards, editorial boards and scientific committees within the IT and AI areas.


See the Publication list and references above.

Project set-up:

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