Among companies which have been my customers are (after 1990);
- Digital Equipment Corporation (Intelligent Buildings)
- Helsingborgshem (IT-strategies)
- Göran Bengtsson Byggnads AB (building site communications)
- Byggdok
- BPS-Centret Denmark (IT at the building site)
- Försvarsmakten
- Mitthögskolan
- BRAAS Scandinavia (IT-strategy, visions)
- Museiforum (ICT museum support)
- Byggkostnadsdelegationen
- Landskrona kommun (Digital City planning and design)
- Skurups kommun (Citizen nets, company networks)
- AB Landskronahem
- A number of Schools (IT supported teaching and learning)
- NOVI, Aalborg Science Park (Knowledge Node Aalborg)
- The European Commission (Project proposals evaluations, project reviews)
- Centre for Quality Assessment in Higher Education, Lithuania (Education program evaluations)
- Kwame Nkrumah University of Science & Technology, Kumasi, Ghana
- AVK Holding A/S, Denmark (IT future)
- Lund Institute of Technology, Lund University. Dept. of Construction Sciences