
Tekn. Dr. Per Christiansson Ing. byrå

Established 1977 in Lund, Sweden

About us

The company was established in 1977 and has since then had the opportunity to carry through commissions of varying kind (nationally and internationally) both within the building and information technology areas as well as in combination of both. The company was discontinued 2024 however, previous services are still offered.

This work involves: User driven ICT business system development for communication, knowledge management and learning, information technology consulting, lecturing, course development and teaching, advising, design work, board membership, special investigations, formulation and evaluation of business ideas and strategies involving information and communication technology (ICT), project reviews, project applications evaluations, and system specification and development.

Per Christiansson's first practical contact with computers were in the early 1960s. He installed his first department computer 1970 (HP2114a) and established the Civil Engineering Computing Center 1977 and developed computer controlled data loggers to monitor laboratory experiments and staff development courses. Giving courses in Computer Aided Design (3D modelling) and Artificial Intelligence at Lund University in 1982. Apple Computer heavily supported his start-up of the KBS[Knowledge-based-systems]-Media-Lab at Lund University 1987. Since 1998 He holds the chair in 'IT in Civil Engineering' at Aalborg University University Denmark.

His competence profile is wide; ICT, user participation in system development and innovation, industry-research collaboration, global trends, learning, collaboration and communication, cognition, and change management.

Per Christiansson held a professor chair 1997 - 2011 in 'IT in Civil Engineering' at Aalborg University, Denmark (http://it.civil.aau.dk).

Services that we can provide you (in Swedish or English)


  • Company ICT strategy development
  • Teaching, course development
  • User driven creative/innovative design support and needs capture
  • Systems specification and development support (needs capture, knowledge management systems, learning systems, etc.)
  • Building Information Modelling - BIM
  • Where are we going - deep analyses and trending of global and local development


  • European Committee applications in research programs.
  • European Committee funded research projects.
  • National research programs.
  • National projects.
  • National educations

Talks (examples)

  • User driven innovative design. Methods and support.
  • Future integrated design environments.
  • What is Building Information Modelling (BIM)?
  • Future private and public communication and collaboration spaces.
  • ICT supported distributed learning.
  • Intelligent, responsive and sustainable buildings.
  • Next generation knowledge management and decision support systems.
  • Going from amateur driven to professional driven society.
  • What is a pen? Developing next generation ICT tools.
  • Living and doing business in Denmark.
  • ..

We also keep a copy of a the old CIB W78 site (w78.ivil.aau.dk) at http://w78.chritiansson.biz though with minor information on workshops held after 2010.


Among companies which have been my customers are (after 1990);

  • Digital Equipment Corporation (Intelligent Buildings)
  • Helsingborgshem (IT-strategies)
  • Göran Bengtsson Byggnads AB (building site communications)
  • Byggdok
  • BPS-Centret Denmark (IT at the building site)
  • BFAB
  • Försvarsmakten
  • Mitthögskolan
  • SIF
  • BRAAS Scandinavia (IT-strategy, visions)
  • Museiforum (ICT museum support)
  • Byggkostnadsdelegationen
  • Landskrona kommun (Digital City planning and design)
  • Skurups kommun (Citizen nets, company networks)
  • AB Landskronahem
  • A number of Schools (IT supported teaching and learning)
  • NOVI, Aalborg Science Park (Knowledge Node Aalborg)
  • The European Commission (Project proposals evaluations, project reviews)
  • Centre for Quality Assessment in Higher Education, Lithuania (Education program evaluations)
  • Kwame Nkrumah University of Science & Technology, Kumasi, Ghana
  • AVK Holding A/S, Denmark (IT future)
  • Lund Institute of Technology, Lund University. Dept. of Construction Sciences

2024.02.03 (2010.12.16) [2001.08.06]