Multimedia Project Set-up

  1. Define the problem (applications, use cases, actors, intended results,...). Possibly write 3-4 scenarios.
  2. Describe the underlying application system/model that shall be explained/used in the MM supported system
  3. Define the system design, development and test process (resources available),
  4. Choose prototyping and collaboration procedures, authoring tools,..
  5. Set up the collaboration environment
  6. Conceptual rough outline of form and function for MM system access. Input from 'user groups' (Needs and Vision).
  7. User needs and requirements modelling with end user involvement. Documentation of work models and scenarios for the MM system
  8. Functional interface proposal (User Environment) ver 1 with hypothetical interface solutions.
  9. If necessary provide (input to) UML models for the underlying ICT system developments
  10. Detailed data definition and collection for the MM system
  11. Data manipulation needs (graphics, video, 3D models,... )
  12. Authoring, design work and prototyping (an early prototype could be a storyboard)
  13. Usability studies and evaluation with end users
  14. goto 7
  15. Delivery
Usability goals
  • effectiveness (the system can be used to fulfill required tasks)
  • efficiency (how much work/time is required to fulfill the tasks)
  • user friendliness (how well do the system adopt to the user expectations on the system. Merriam Webster Collegiate Dictionary - easy to learn, use, understand, or deal with).
    Easy to remember how to use (memorability)

©Per Christiansson, 2.3.2002