Cult3D. The 'Drawer' exampleIn the 'Scene Graph' window you find all the to the 'Cult3D Designer' program imported objects. You can rotate/zoom/translate objects in the 'Preview' window (to the right above) for inspection (does not affect the model). Press R to reset moves. 'Event_2' is set to 'initial activition' as the model is read by the WWW-browser. 'Event_2' triggers three actions on left mouse click in the browser
Next time you left mouse click the front_left_box (on the model presented in the web browser) the box will slide back and gets ready to slide out on the next click. That is the the 'Event_3' triggers three actions
Finally the Event_1 will be commented on. Event_1 (the green light) is called a 'world start' event and is activated (made available) at model down-load to the WWW-browser. It activates
Now load the model and try out the actions. [The old call routine] (drawer.c3d (56 KB), drawer.c3p (7 KB)) Further reading