Byggeweb and Computer Graphics



A: Computer Graphics


The image below is found at http://it.civil.aau.dk/ks/grafik/ in three different resolutions.

  • 512x768 pixels (1.1 Mb)
  • 1024x1536 pixels (4.6 Mb)
  • 2048x3072 pixels (18.4 Mb)

This or a similar cut-out from the image shall be placed in a printed publication
where the image shall have width 6.5 cm and a resolution 170 dpi.

Use e.g. Corel Photopaint (available on \\studserver\pub\software\Corel\Graphics Suite 12) or Microsoft Photo Editor (comes with MS Office) or any other image editor.

Chose a sufficient resolution of the original image to create the cut-out which fulfills the above requirements.

You can also chose to use your own images.

  • Save the image in TIFF format.
  • How big is the file?
  • How big will the file be in 300 dpi resolution in TIFF format.

  • The image shall now be presented on a WWW-page. The width shall be 300 pixels. Make a jpg-file and a gif-file with this image. How big are the files? (Try out high and low compression of the images in jpg format). Give comments on the image quality and file sizes.

  • Elaborate different tools you find in your image editing program (filters, transformations, and colors)
  • Try to make 360 degree panoramic photos. Discuss advantages and disadvanteges of 360 degree photos.Try http://www.albatrossdesign.com or use a similar tool of your own choice) Use your own photos or try the samples in http://it.bt.aau.dk/ks/grafik/360/ Consider file size!!!
  • Try to make Flash presentations (e.g. with Corel R.A.V.E, available on \\studserver). Discuss if it can give "added value" to your site.
  • Try to make Scalable Vector Graphics with Corel Draw, available on \\studserver)
  • Consider file size, storage requirement and download time for all the graphics, you use.
  • Make a small report on your experience with graphics in you project and put it in your project report and on your website!!!

File size





B: Kom igang med Byggeweb

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Kjeld Svidt, Per Christiansson 13.3.2007 [27.2.2001]

Kjeld Svidt, Per Christiansson