Image editing - lecture 5
Secretary/teacher course, 1999. (
[education][scheme] Last update 1999.03.01 (1999.03.01 ) [1999.03.01]

Image editing in PhotoShop 5.0

Guest lecture by Fredrik Stjernfeldt, CITU, Lund University. Fredrik (former researcher at KBS-Media Lab) used the following set-up during the lecture.

    Figure 1
  • Direct video and sound contact between the group and Fredrik in Lund
  • Lund and Aalborg had both access at the same to the computer at the Media Lab in Aalborg. Timbuktu was used to share the workspace.

Quickshots from Lecture 5. Remote interaction with Lund University

The following parts were covered

The following link can be used for further reading and training

See also the ITI collaboration between Aalborg and Lund Universitites

Per Christiansson