KBS-Media Lab
Lund University
Last update 1995.11.16
- KBS-Media Lab gave a pioneering course "New Tools for Knowledge Transfer - Development of Hypermediasystems" autumn 1992. Attenders were university teachers from medicin, economy, automatic control, theology, physics,
mathematics, and library.
- We were responsible for the Internet Part in the MultiMedia Course (3 points)
at LTH/Helsingborg Department of Lund University spring 1995.
- Course for the teachers at pre high school level at the
Fäladsskolan in Lund, spring 1995. Covered topics including
individual exercises - http/www, email, News.
- Course in "To use and evaluate MultiMedia". " and"Make your own Multimedia Application"" starting November 1995 at CITU Lund University.
- example on using multimedia as a pedagogical tool
- analysing pros and cons with using multimedia
- guided development of your own application
- Course in design and implementation of multimedia exhibitions at
Lund Historical Museum. (1996-1997). (see /K18/ under Per Christiansson